1889's “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" was one of Twain's last big novels, and in it a man wakes up suddenly thrust into the time of King Arthur.
Twain was able to implement much of his darker, cynical side that was creeping in as he approached his golden years.
There would be much more to be dark and cynical about, he would soon discover.
Twain actually used his own publishing company for the first time in the printing of “Huckleberry Finn".
He was keen to maintain artistic control and make the money that his art was bringing in.
It would make you think that Twain had a good sense of finances and how to spend it wisely.
You would be wrong.
He was terrible at investing money.
He was amazed by technology, and often threw vast sums of money at new inventions that he thought would change the world.
The Paige typesetting machine was a glorious failure that he loved with his heart and his wallet.
The world was evolving at such a rate, and newspapers and print blowing up so fast, that hand-set type machines simply couldn't cut it anymore.
The Paige machine promised to take print into the new world.
But it required such precise calibration and constant maintenance that it became obsolete almost as soon as it was released, and left behind by smarter, quicker machines.
Twain poured around $300,000 of his own money trying to keep the Paige typesetter afloat, which is over $9 million by today's standards.
He continually dipped into the money he had earned from his books and even his wife's family inheritance to keep the dying machine afloat, but it was all for naught.
Even his publishing company struggled to turn a profit, and things got so bad for Twain that they had to shutter their Connecticut home and set up meager accommodations in Europe.
Sometime in the 1890s, Twain struck up a friendship with the mercurial inventor Nikola Tesla.
在19世纪90年代的一天,吐温与发明家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)建立了友谊。
Tesla was residing in New York City at the time, and Twain often visited the metropolis, especially after he got wind of some of the amazing inventions Tesla was concocting.
Tesla was a scientist at Westinghouse at the time, and was working on a new kind of electric motor.
Twain was a frequent visitor to Tesla's laboratory, and loved interacting with his new gadgets and devices.
One such device Tesla was creating involved a vibrating oscillator machine, which was basically an engine that put out high frequencies.
Tesla wondered if there could be any health benefits that could be gained from the invention,
and knew that his friend Mark Twain sometimes suffered from digestive problems and constipation.
Twain got on the machine, and instantly felt sensations of vitality until such time that the machine rattled his bowels enough to effectively cure him.
Twain and Tesla continued their friendship for years.
Tesla reportedly tried out an x-ray gun and shot it at Twain's head.
Tesla was invited to Twain's daughter's wedding.
Hank Morgan, the time-traveling character in Twain's “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" may have even been based on the eccentric Tesla.
Twain had to embark on a worldwide tour of lectures to try and get the family back in the profit margins.
In 1896, Twain's 24-year-old daughter Suzy was visiting their Connecticut hometown when she was struck with meningitis.
She died from her illness, and Mark Twain never returned to the place where his greatest love and fortunes had flowered, citing the pain of her death there being too much to bear.
Twain didn't even return to the United States until 1900, when he moved to New York City.
This was a period of deep, dark depression and despair for Twain.
His writing was reflecting the darker side of humanity,
and focused its barbs at the failures of government and disappointment in humanity in general.
He even publicly insulted Winston Churchill before introducing him at an event.
He began to be seen as a traitor of sorts, and many of his works during this time weren't even properly released until after his death, when public opinion on him came back around.
Another unavoidable subject regarding Twain was his use of racial slurs in some of his work, most notably “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".
Sure, those types of words were unfortunately very common in the pre-Civil War era that the novel was set in, but it often led to schools and institutions banning the book outright or limiting its readings in more modern times.
Mark Twain moved to Manhattan, New York City not long after his daughter Suzy passed away from meningitis.
In 1903, his beloved wife Olivia took ill, so Twain moved them to Italy for a time, where she eventually died the next year.
He then went in the breeze for a bit, moving back to New York City, and eventually back to the state of Connecticut, in Redding.