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来源:可可英语 编辑:sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The scientific use of thought consists in forming a clear and distinct mental image of what you want;
  • 科学利用思想由以下两个步骤组成:首先,你必须清楚明了地知道自己想要什么,并在脑海里形成清晰的图象;
  • in holding fast to the pupose to get what you want; and in realizing with grateful faith that you do get what you want.
  • 然后,你必须始终坚持自己的目标,并且坚定信念。
  • Do not try to 'project' your thought in any mysterious or occult way, with the idea of having it go out and do things for you;
  • 千万不要让你的思想“置身于”任何神秘主义或玄学观点当中。如果你以为自已能够全身而退,那你就太高估自己了。
  • that is wasted effort, and will weaken your power to think with sanity.
  • 那样做只能产生无用功,同时,还会让你迷失心智,失去理智的判断力。
  • The action of thought in getting rich is fully explained in the preceding chapters;
  • 我已经在前文中十分详细地介绍了如何才能利用思想的力量致富。
  • your faith and pupose positively impress your vision upon Formless Substance,
  • 只有在你的信念和目标的积极作用下,你的财富蓝图才能成功地作用于无形的物质之上,
  • 而它也和你一样,拥有渴望得到更多生活乐趣的欲望。
  • and this vision received from you, sets all the creative forces at work IN AND THROUGH THEIR REGULAR CHANNELS OF ACTION, but directed toward you.
  • 在此之后,在财富蓝图的推动下,所有创造力量全都开始在它们的常规渠道之间运作起来,而所有运动的指向对象就是你。
  • It is not your part to guide or supervise the creative process;
  • 你的职责并不是引导,或监督这一创造过程。
  • all you have to do with that is to retain your vision, stick to your pupose, and maintain your faith and gratitude.
  • 你需要做的是让头脑中的那幅梦想蓝图保持清晰,并且坚守信念,坚持目标,当然,无论何时,都不要忘记始终怀着一种感激的心情。
  • But you must act in a Certain Way, so that you can appropriate what is yours when it comes to you;
  • 可是,这一切都必须按照特定恰当的行动方式完成,只有这样,你才能成为当财富到来时刚好站在它面前的那个人,
  • so that you can meet the things you have in your picture, and put them in their proper places as they arrive.
  • 你才能如愿以偿地得到蓝图中的每一件物品, 并为它们找到一个合适的位置。
  • You can really see the truth of this.
  • 我再说一次,这一切都是千真万确的,绝无半句虚言。
  • When things reach you, they will be in the hands of other men, who will ask an equivalent for them.
  • 当那些事物来到你身边的时候,送它们来的那个人,在将它们送到你手里的同时,也会向你索取一件价值相当的物品。
  • And you can only get what is yours by giving the other man what is his.
  • 你只有先满足他的需求,才能得到自已想要的。
  • Your pocket book is not going to be transformed into a Fortunata's purse, which shall be always full of money without effort on your part.
  • 这并不意味着你必须将自己的财富全都交由命运女神来控制,事实上,后者从来不需要你的任何财富。
  • This is the crucial point in the science of getting rich; right here, where thought and personal action must be combined.
  • 而这一点恰恰正是决定致富秘诀能否成功的关键所在。我们的思想和行动正是通过这一点结合在了一起。
  • There are very many people who, consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires,
  • 许多人,无论他们是有意识的还是下意识的,能够在欲望和目标的督促下,将自己的创造性思想付诸实践,
  • but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes.
  • 可努力的结果却是以失败告终。这就是因为当他们想要的事物到来时,他们没有为它们腾出应有的位置,即没有做好接受它们的准备。
  • By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.
  • 你通过思想将想要的东西带到自己的身边,然后再通过行动将它们收入自己的囊中。
  • Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW.
  • 现在,事实已经很清楚地摆在眼前了,无论你打算如何致富,都必须立刻动起来。
  • You cannot act in the past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind.
  • 我指的是现在,过去的行动在这里没有任何意义。这很关键,因为只有这样你才能彻底地挥别过去的思想,让脑海里的梦想蓝图保持清晰。
  • You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet. And you cannot tell how you will want to act in any future contingency until that contingency has arived.
  • 对于未来,你无法承诺能够做些什么,因为它尚未到来,而且你也根本无法预测未来将会发生什么,直到一切都变成现实。
  • Because you are not in the right business, or the right environment now,
  • 千万不要因为不喜欢你现在所从事的职业,或是因为环境等外界时机不对,
  • do not think that you must postpone action until you get into the right business or environment.
  • 就推迟行动的时间,直到你找到满意的工作或等到适宜的时机,
  • And do not spend time in the present taking thought as to the best course in possible future emergencies;
  • 也不要再将时间浪费在思考未来可能出现的美好瞬间上。
  • have faith in your ability to meet any emergency when it arrives.
  • 你需要做的就是相信自己,相信自己能够在机会降临时把握住所有机会。
  • If you act in the present with your mind on the future,
  • 如果你在现在行动而思想却集中在将来,
  • your present action will be with a divided mind, and will not be effective.
  • 那么,这种心不在焉的行动注定效率不高。你应当将思想集中在现在的每一个行动上。
  • Put your whole mind into present action.
  • 你应当将思想集中在现在的每一个行动上。
  • Do not give your creative impulse to Original Substance, and then sit down and wait for results;
  • 如果你希望将某些创造灵感告之源物质以后,什么都不用做就能够坐享其成,那你就大错特错了。
  • if you do, you will never get them. Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now.
  • 如果你这样做,结果只会是竹篮打水一场空。梦想成真绝不是光靠想和思考就能实现的,你还必须行动起来。
  • If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now.
  • 我说的行动不是发生在过去,也不是将来,就是现在!如果你想在好运降临时能够做好充足的准备迎接好运,那你就必须立刻行动起来。
  • And your action, whatever it is, must most likely be in your present business or employment,
  • 请记住,无论你怎么做,做什么,你的行动都必须以目前的事业或工作为根本,
  • and must be upon the persons and things in your present environment.
  • 针对当前环境中的人或事而展开。
  • You cannot act where you are not; you cannot act where you have been,
  • 你不可能将自己的行动力波及到那些你不在,或者从未去过,或是将米可能会去的地方。
  • and you cannot act where you are going to be; you can act only where you are.
  • 你的行动只能是立足于本地而发生。


The scientific use of thought consists in forming a clear and distinct mental image of what you want; in holding fast to the purpose to get what you want; and in realizing with grateful faith that you do get what you want. Do not try to 'project' your thought in any mysterious or occult way, with the idea of having it go out and do things for you; that is wasted effort, and will weaken your power to think with sanity.

科学利用思想由以下两个步骤组成:首先,你必须清楚明了地知道自己想要什么,并在脑海里形成清晰的图象; 然后,你必须始终坚持自己的目标,并且坚定信念。千万不要让你的思想“置身于”任何神秘主义或玄学观点当中。如果你以为自已能够全身而退,那你就太高估自己了。那样做只能产生无用功,同时,还会让你迷失心智,失去理智的判断力。

The action of thought in getting rich is fully explained in the preceding chapters; your faith and pupose positively impress your vision upon Formless Substance, which has THE SAME DESIRE FOR MORE LIFE THAT YOU HAVE; and this vision received from you, sets all the creative forces at work IN AND THROUGH THEIR REGULAR CHANNELS OF ACTION, but directed toward you.


It is not your part to guide or supervise the creative process; all you have to do with that is to retain your vision, stick to your purpose, and maintain your faith and gratitude.


But you must act in a Certain Way, so that you can appropriate what is yours when it comes to you; so that you can meet the things you have in your picture, and put them in their proper places as they arrive. You can really see the truth of this.

可是,这一切都必须按照特定恰当的行动方式完成,只有这样,你才能成为当财富到来时刚好站在它面前的那个人,你才能如愿以偿地得到蓝图中的每一件物品, 并为它们找到一个合适的位置。我再说一次,这一切都是千真万确的,绝无半句虚言。

When things reach you, they will be in the hands of other men, who will ask an equivalent for them. And you can only get what is yours by giving the other man what is his. Your pocket book is not going to be transformed into a Fortunata's purse, which shall be always full of money without effort on your part.



This is the crucial point in the science of getting rich; right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. There are very many people who, consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes. By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it. Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW.


You cannot act in the past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet. And you cannot tell how you will want to act in any future contingency until that contingency has arived. Because you are not in the right businessor the right environment now, do not think that you must postpone action until you get into the right business or environment.


And do not spend time in the present taking thought as to the best course in possible future emergencies; have faith in your ability to meet any emergency when it arrives. If you act in the present with your mind on the future, your present action will be with a divided mind, and will not be effective. Put your whole mind into present action.


Do not give your creative impulse to Original Substance, and then sit down and wait for results; if you do, you will never get them. Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now. If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now. And your action, whatever it is, must most likely be in your present business or employment, and must be upon the persons and things in your present environment. You cannot act where you are not; you cannot act where you have been, and you cannot act where you are going to be; you can act only where you are.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

sanity ['sæniti]


n. 神智健全,头脑清楚,健全

occult [ə'kʌlt]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的,超自然的 n. 神秘学

supervise ['sju:pəvaiz]


vt. 监督,管理,指导

impulse ['impʌls]


n. 冲动,驱动力,倾向,心血来潮
vt. 推

distinct [dis'tiŋkt]


adj. 独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的

persistence [pə'sistəns]


n. 坚持,毅力

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

essential [i'senʃəl]


n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本





