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探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第1期:抢救切尔诺贝利(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Friday, April 25, 1986. A beautiful spring day for the 43,000 inhabitants of Pripyat, in the Ukraine.
  • 1986年4月25日星期五 这是乌克兰普里皮亚季市 4万3千名居民的美丽春日
  • A day that will remain forever engraved in their memory.
  • 这一天将永远烙印在众人记忆里
  • 3 kilometers from the city- the Vladimir llitch Lenin nuclear power plant where several thousand people go to work each day.
  • 离此城3公里外是列宁核能发电厂 每天有数千人在此工作
  • Tonight, the 176 employees of block 4 have been ordered to carry out a test on a self-fueling system of the reactor. Something that could save energy.
  • 今晚第4区的176名员工 受命测试反应炉的自我供电系统 这套系统可以节省能源
  • At 1: 23 a.m., the security systems are deactivated and the experiment begins. A series of detonations go off in the core of the reactor.
  • 凌晨1点23分 安全系统撤除实验展开 反应炉核心发生一连串爆炸
  • While Pripyat sleeps peacefully the floor of the plant begins to tremble. The 1200 ton cover of the reactor suddenly blasts into the air.
  • 普里皮亚季全城陷入沉睡 但此时核电厂地板开始颤动 反应炉1200吨的顶盖瞬间喷入高空
  • An ultra-powerful stream of radioactive vapor releases uranium and graphite over hundreds of meters around the plant.
  • 一股超强辐射气流蒸发 在核电厂方圆几百公尺释放铀与石墨
  • From the gaping hole, a spray of fire charged with radioactive particles in fusion shoots a thousand meters into the sky.
  • 火花从裂开的缺口喷溅 携带熔解的辐射粒子 喷向几千公尺的高空
  • There were a lot of colors and they were really bright: Orange, red, sky blue. Colors like blood. A rainbow. It was beautiful.
  • 天空色彩缤纷 非常明亮: 有橘色红色天空蓝 鲜血般的红色 有如彩虹非常美丽
  • The most serious nuclear accident in history has just taken place.
  • 这是史上最严重的核子事故
  • During the night, early in the morning. I got the call around 5 AM. I was told there'd been some accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.
  • 那天晚上 凌晨时分 我大概清晨5点接到电话 我被告知切尔诺贝利核电厂发生事故
  • The first firemen on the scene battle the fire without the adequate protective gear. They pour tons of water this strange fire.
  • 第一批赶往现场的消防员 在缺乏适当保护的情况下与火搏斗 他们喷洒无数吨的水想扑灭这场怪火
  • But nothing seems capable of putting out. They are all exposed to lethal doses of radiation.
  • 但却无法减缓火势 他们全都暴露于致命辐射值当中


Friday, April 25, 1986. A beautiful spring day for the 43,000 inhabitants of Pripyat, in the Ukraine.

1986年4月25日星期五 这是乌克兰普里皮亚季市 4万3千名居民的美丽春日

A day that will remain forever engraved in their memory.


3 kilometers from the city- the Vladimir llitch Lenin nuclear power plant where several thousand people go to work each day Tonight,

离此城3公里外是列宁核能发电厂 每天有数千人在此工作

the 176 employees of block 4 have been ordered to carry out a test on a self-fueling system of the reactor. Something that could save energy.

今晚第4区的176名员工 受命测试反应炉的自我供电系统 这套系统可以节省能源

At 1: 23 a.m., the security systems are deactivated and the experiment begins. A series of detonations go off in the core of the reactor.

凌晨1点23分 安全系统撤除实验展开 反应炉核心发生一连串爆炸

While Pripyat sleeps peacefully the floor of the plant begins to tremble. The 1200 ton cover of the reactor suddenly blasts into the air.

普里皮亚季全城陷入沉睡 但此时核电厂地板开始颤动 反应炉1200吨的顶盖瞬间喷入高空

An ultra-powerful stream of radioactive vapor releases uranium and graphite over hundreds of meters around the plant.

一股超强辐射气流蒸发 在核电厂方圆几百公尺释放铀与石墨

From the gaping hole, a spray of fire charged with radioactive particles in fusion shoots a thousand meters into the sky.

火花从裂开的缺口喷溅 携带熔解的辐射粒子 喷向几千公尺的高空

There were a lot of colors and they were really bright: Orange, red, sky blue. Colors like blood. A rainbow. It was beautiful.

天空色彩缤纷 非常明亮: 有橘色红色天空蓝 鲜血般的红色 有如彩虹非常美丽

The most serious nuclear accident in history has just taken place.


During the night, early in the morning. I got the call around 5 AM. I was told there'd been some accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.

那天晚上 凌晨时分 我大概清晨5点接到电话 我被告知切尔诺贝利核电厂发生事故

The first firemen on the scene battle the fire without the adequate protective gear. They pour tons of water this strange fire.

第一批赶往现场的消防员 在缺乏适当保护的情况下与火搏斗 他们喷洒无数吨的水想扑灭这场怪火

But nothing seems capable of putting out. They are all exposed to lethal doses of radiation.

但却无法减缓火势 他们全都暴露于致命辐射值当中

重点单词   查看全部解释    
block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

rainbow ['reinbəu]


n. 彩虹



adj. 被牢记的;被深深印入的 v. 雕刻(engra

lethal ['li:θəl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,有效的
n. 基因

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

tremble ['trembl]


n. 战悚,颤抖
v. 战悚,忧虑,微动

fusion ['fju:ʒən]


n. 融合物,结合,熔合

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核





