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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Arya ran up her well-scrubbed steps.
  • 艾莉亚沿着被她擦洗干净的楼梯跑上去,
  • No one paid her any mind when she entered.
  • 进门时根本无人注意。
  • Chiswyck was seated by the fire with a horn of ale to hand, telling one of his funny stories.
  • 奇斯威克手拿麦酒,坐在炉火旁,正在吹嘘他的那些趣闻。
  • She dared not interrupt, unless she wanted a bloody lip.
  • 她不敢打断,惟恐又被打裂嘴唇。
  • "After the Hand's tourney, it were, before the war come," Chiswyck was saying.
  • “那时候,首相的比武大会刚结束,战争却还没来,”奇斯威克正说着,
  • "We were on our ways back west, seven of us with Ser Gregor.
  • “我们七个跟着格雷果爵士返回西境。
  • Raff was with me, and young Joss Stilwood, he'd squired for Ser in the lists.
  • 当时拉夫也在,还有小乔斯·斯提伍德,他在比武会中替爵士当侍从。
  • Well, we come on this pisswater river, running high on account there'd been rains.
  • 嗯,我们遇上一条臭水沟,由于下雨,水涨得老高,
  • No way to ford, but there's an alehouse near, so there we repair.
  • 没法淌过去,好在附近有个酒馆,因此我们就去歇了会儿。
  • Ser rousts the brewer and tells him to keep our horns full till the waters fall, and you should see the man's pig eyes shine at the sight o' silver.
  • 爵士叫来那酿酒的家伙,告诉他,水退之前,我们的杯子得一直满满的。吓!你没来瞅瞅他那对猪眼睛,看到银币就闪闪发光!
  • So he's fetching us ale, him and his daughter, and poor thin stuff it is, no more'n brown piss, which don't make me any happier, nor Ser neither.
  • 他连忙把麦酒端出来,还叫上女儿帮忙。那酒稀得可怜,跟黄黄的尿差不多,这让我不大痛快,爵士也不大痛快。
  • And all the time this brewer's saying how glad he is to have us, custom being slow on account o' them rains.
  • 这酿酒的家伙啰里啰唆,一直在拜谢我们,因为大雨的关系,他最近的生意很不好。
  • The fool won't shut his yap, not him, though Ser is saying not a word, just brooding on the Knight o' Pansies and that bugger's trick he played.
  • 蠢蛋!他也不瞧瞧爵士的神色,告诉你,从头到尾,爵士一个字也没有说,只把嘴唇抿得紧紧的。
  • You can see how tight his mouth sits, so me and the other lads we know better'n to say a squeak to him,
  • 大伙儿都知道他还在琢磨那个小花骑士的阴损招数,因此也就没接话,
  • but this brewer he's got to talk, he even asks how m'lord fared in the jousting.
  • 只有这个酿酒的在高谈阔论,居然还问起大人在比武会中的表现。
  • Ser just gave him this look."
  • 于是,爵士就这么狠狠瞪了他一眼。”
  • Chiswyck cackled, quaffed his ale, and wiped the foam away with the back of his hand.
  • 奇斯威克咯咯笑道,将麦酒一饮而尽,用手背抹去泡沫。
  • "Meanwhile, this daughter of his has been fetching and pouring, a fat little thing, eighteen or so—"
  • “与此同时呢,他女儿正给我们端酒倒酒,那是个胖胖的小东西,大约十八岁——”
  • "Thirteen, more like," Raff the Sweetling drawled.
  • “我看是十三岁罢,”“甜嘴”拉夫懒洋洋地说。
  • "Well, be that as it may, she's not much to look at,but Eggon's been drinking and gets to touching her, and might be I did a little touching myself,
  • “哦?随便随便,反正长得一塌糊涂。埃耿喝多了,摸了她两把,或许我自己也摸了两下,
  • and Raff's telling young Stilwood that he ought t' drag the girl upstairs and make himself a man, giving the lad courage as it were.
  • 拉夫这伙计则怂恿小斯提伍德,叫他把女孩拖到楼上,完成自己的成年礼。


Arya ran up her well-scrubbed steps.


No one paid her any mind when she entered.


Chiswyck was seated by the fire with a horn of ale to hand, telling one of his funny stories.


She dared not interrupt, unless she wanted a bloody lip.


"After the Hand's tourney, it were, before the war come," Chiswyck was saying.


"We were on our ways back west, seven of us with Ser Gregor.



Raff was with me, and young Joss Stilwood, he'd squired for Ser in the lists.


Well, we come on this pisswater river, running high on account there'd been rains.


No way to ford, but there's an alehouse near, so there we repair.


Ser rousts the brewer and tells him to keep our horns full till the waters fall, and you should see the man's pig eyes shine at the sight o' silver.


So he's fetching us ale, him and his daughter, and poor thin stuff it is, no more'n brown piss, which don't make me any happier, nor Ser neither.


And all the time this brewer's saying how glad he is to have us, custom being slow on account o' them rains.


The fool won't shut his yap, not him, though Ser is saying not a word, just brooding on the Knight o' Pansies and that bugger's trick he played.


You can see how tight his mouth sits, so me and the other lads we know better'n to say a squeak to him,


but this brewer he's got to talk, he even asks how m'lord fared in the jousting.


Ser just gave him this look."


Chiswyck cackled, quaffed his ale, and wiped the foam away with the back of his hand.


"Meanwhile, this daughter of his has been fetching and pouring, a fat little thing, eighteen or so—"


"Thirteen, more like," Raff the Sweetling drawled.


"Well, be that as it may, she's not much to look at, but Eggon's been drinking and gets to touching her, and might be I did a little touching myself,


and Raff's telling young Stilwood that he ought t' drag the girl upstairs and make himself a man, giving the lad courage as it were.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
interrupt [.intə'rʌpt]


v. 打断,打扰,中止,中断
n. [计算机]

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉





