"The oasis is neutral ground. No one attacks an oasis," said a third chieftain.
"I can only tell you what I saw. If you don't want to believe me, you don't have to do anything about it."
The men fell into an animated discussion.
They spoke in an Arabic dialect that the boy didn't understand, but, when he made to leave, the guard told him to stay.
The boy became fearful; the omens told him that something was wrong.
He regretted having spoken to the camel driver about what he had seen in the desert.
Suddenly, the elder at the center smiled almost imperceptibly, and the boy felt better.
The man hadn't participated in the discussion, and, in fact, hadn't said a word up to that point.
But the boy was already used to the Language of the World, and he could feel the vibrations of peace throughout the tent.
Now his intuition was that he had been right in coming. The discussion ended.
The chieftains were silent for a few moments as they listened to what the old man was saying.
Then he turned to the boy: this time his expression was cold and distant.
"Two thousand years ago, in a distant land, a man who believed in dreams was thrown into a dungeon and then sold as a slave," the old man said, now in the dialect the boy understood.
"Our merchants bought that man, and brought him to Egypt.
All of us know that whoever believes in dreams also knows how to interpret them."
The elder continued, "When the pharaoh dreamed of cows that were thin and cows that were fat, this man I'm speaking of rescued Egypt from famine.
His name was Joseph. He, too, was a stranger in a strange land, like you, and he was probably about your age."
He paused, and his eyes were still unfriendly.
"We always observe the Tradition.
The Tradition saved Egypt from famine in those days, and made the Egyptians the wealthiest of peoples.
The Tradition teaches men how to cross the desert, and how their children should marry.
The Tradition says that an oasis is neutral territory, because both sides have oases, and so both are vulnerable."
No one said a word as the old man continued.