The new design ended up with just a thin stainless steel bezel that allowed the gorilla glass display to go right to the edge.
Every part of the device seemed to defer to the screen.
The new look was austere, yet also friendly. You could fondle it.
It meant they had to redo the circuit boards, antenna, and processor placement inside, but Jobs ordered the change.
"Other companies may have shipped," said Fadell, "but we pressed the reset button and started over."
One aspect of the design, which reflected not only Jobs's perfectionism but also his desire to control, was that the device was tightly sealed.

The case could not be opened, even to change the battery.
As with the original Macintosh in 1984, Jobs did not want people fiddling inside.
In fact when Apple discovered in 2011 that third-party repair shops were opening up the iPhone 4,
事实上,2011年,发现第三方修理店能够打开iPhone 4后,
it replaced the tiny screws with a tamper-resistant Pentalobe screw that was impossible to open with a commercially available screwdriver.
By not having a replaceable battery, it was possible to make the iPhone much thinner.
For Jobs, thinner was always better.
"He's always believed that thin is beautiful," said Tim Cook.
"You can see that in all of the work. We have the thinnest notebook, the thinnest smartphone, and we made the iPad thin and then even thinner."