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第144期 泰坦尼克号的杰克可能是time traveler?

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Hello again.

Now on with the show

Welcome back to geek time with Brad. Hello Lulu.

Hi, Brad.

So we are going to continue on with our discussion of time travel.

Great. I would like to know how to travel in time.

There is lots of ideas on how to time travel and most of them require some sort of device. There are some ideas and a lot of stories where people might time travel using their love or something like that. But a lot of times it has to do with an actual device whether it's . . .

Time machine.

A car that you have to get to a certain speed and use a flux capacitor or you actually have to use like a fridge or something.

Have you actually tried to make a time machine

I'm pretty sure lots of people in their garages have tried to come up with different ways to do it.

Like in the US it's actually quite common for people to build these workshops in their garages and try to do scientific experiments. Some people have even tried to build like nuclear power supplies and things like that.

Some people have tried to create transporters. It's actually quite interesting to see some of the, like history in the US of people with people have created in their own garages.

But what are they basing it on in order to create a possible effective time machineWhat is the theory that based it on? You mentioned speed, is it like if you speed certain things up to like a I don't know, like a light speed and then something would happen, you would disappear.

There is the idea of time travel based on your speed, but basically the way would work if you're thinking about like Einstein's theory of relativity.

If you were to get up to the speed of light, the way you view speed or the way you view time is actually much slower than the rest of the universe. So basically, you're not realistically traveling in time.

You're slowing down time for yourself and comparison to the rest of the universe. So it's not really necessarily speed in that sense.

So you're fast forwarding yourself, but you can't go back though in that way.

You can't go back, no. But because of these types of theories, a lot of people have thought there has to do something with speed and maybe another component.

So when you get like a movie like back to the future, they created a device called the flux capacitor, which is actually kind of interesting because the capacitor is actually the thing that tries to stop flux.

Or like change, it stops change, but we have this capacitor that actually is forcing change or something. And so it's basically kind of just like a way to theorize how could we travel in time. And so they just create something interesting.

But like a yeah, so speed could be it or it could be something entirely different like in the movie Primer, if you want to go back in time one day, you actually have to go inside the time machine for one day and rather than travel forward in time of day, you'll travel back in time a day.

That sounds more like a simulation machine.

But like in the movie Primer, you're actually going back in time like you're actually yeah, so it's device actually, it changes the basically the direction of time.

I tell you what it's very interesting to see the cultural differences whilst most of the time travel movies and TVs made in English speaking countries are about the technology of time traveling and mostly about, shall I say more geeky crowd trying to create their own time travels. In China all the time travels are not focused on technology at all.

It's more focusing on what kind of stories, what kind of people you are running into. I think it's a more sort of let's just say its focus is more on the story after you traveled not so much as in how you get there.

That reminds me of a a cartoon I saw somewhere here and it was about a boy who went back in time to some Dynasty. He accidentally stepped into a toilet and went back in time.

Yeah, you see that they will downplay the importance of the actual device that gave them the opportunity to time travel, which is very different if you think about it.

And back to the series though, because obviously in the Chinese storyline doesn't have a lot of series of why you would travel. Let's talk about back to the future. You said that they invented this, a flux capacitor. But does that mean that there are always themselves when they're traveling

They're always themselves, but there is like this idea, there's been a few theories coming out from the TV show and it's based on some of the like the evidence within the movie. So some people actually think that the main character that we actually see in the movie. He's actually died several times, but the guy who invented the time machine actually keeps going back and saving him trying to keep the timeline as good as possible. So basically the timeline we see in the movie is actually the best outcome that hes created.

It almost sounds like Groundhog Day. It basically is, it gives you like infinite times that you can right the wrongs, so to speak.

There's actually a theory about Jack and the Titanic. Have you heard this?

What? he is a time travler?

Some people say that he is a time traveler.

But he died.

But that's what they say. He might have died, he might have gone back in time. If you think about it, if you watch the movie, you can notice a lot of things that are wrong about the character, the way the character acts like the clothes that he wears don't fit the time, and a lot of people say that just happens to be because it's a movie and they didn't really pay attention to being historically accurate.

But one of the things that some people say is that he is actually a time traveler and there's actually been a kind of like these because of the way he asked the way he dresses and all these things. But the other idea is that he could have easily got on to the door and saved in the end with the girl. But he let himself die.

He's the one who went underwater, he let himself die. Now what we see is him dying, but that could have been easily just him going into the water, then swimming back to wherever he needed to go to be picked up or go back to the the current timeline.

Like a portal?

Basically, right. So he might have actually gone back in time to save her.

I mean, you've just turned a classic romance or history related story into a Sci-fi time travel tale.

What's wrong with that

But it makes me feel much better. I mean, when I was watching that I was really young and then I just felt really sad that Jack died, and now that knowing that he just went back to the portal make me feel a lot better.

I just wish that Rose would have found out that he's a time traveler.


But let's come back to earth.

I wanna go back to my home planet.

Just stop it for a while alien Brad. Let's say more theories.


There's a lot of talk about and you can see in some of the time travel story lines that they want to say, for example Hitler, for Hitler to commit all these war crimes, right

Why can't we just invent a machine go back and stop or kill Hitler

Mhm. A lot of the theories behind not being able to go back and kill Hitler is like it would change history in such a massive way. If it did actually work.

But another theory is that if we went back in time and killed Hitler, Hitler won't be there. Hitler wouldnt have come to power, it would have just been someone else. Maybe it would have been Kitler or something like that instead of Hitler, it would have been someone else.

They would have had a similar incidence when they grew up. They would have just when rather than it would Hitler, having the situation where he went into politics and then became powerful, it just would have been another person in his place.

So you're saying, it's not just the unique person. It's basically the historical context that made someone like that basically made someone like Hitler.

Basically I mean, like if you look at some of the things are that happen in the world, there is kind of like this in that time period a lot of people were looking at there's lots of things going on with eugenics and all of this and that's where a lot of Hitler got his ideas from.

So it would have been just someone else looking at that literature and saying well, this could easily be and then they would have gone after the Jews instead of Hitler did.


And so basically it would be just another person who had the same ideas because if you look at it, there's all these people who had similar ideas.

It was just one person who decided to come to power and lead them.

I see. So all of these, let's say baddies in history, you can't really eliminate them even if you invented time travel?

You have to go back and eliminate all of that group of people.

But that history wouldnt have been the same.


Then you wouldn't really need to invent the time machine to go back and get rid of these baddies. We're going back the grandfather paradox again. Another thing that you have mentioned is that going back in time, if I chosen something else that would create a new branch in time, so it's a completely different alternate universe. And is that like a theory?

It's a very serious theory. It's the multiple universe theory basically. And so there's all these different out there. Now, one theory is that if you go back in time, you're not actually going back in time, but you're going into a different universe that's very similar to your own.

So you're no longer within your own universe and you can't actually go back to your universe without having some sort of device that would be able to like home in a specific one because that would be like an entirely different dimensional value.

And I often wonder if on one of these time travels, you accidentally got yourself killed. What happen then

If we look at like the quantum theory idea, now, when we look at like quantum theory, everything is in bits, data is in bits. And they think the universe has the same kind of idea where everything is in bits where we have a value like that value is either zero or one.

Now if we went back in time there is, this whole idea that you're a one in that universe and where you're at in your time, you're still that one. But if you go back in time, you flip the bit you are no longer there, you no longer existed even. So you when you go back in time and actually try to kill yourself, you basically erase yourself from existence.

Ok, so if you kill yourself in the past, when you travel to the past, in the current timeline, essentially you have never even existed.


That's a scary thought.

So as we are coming to the end of the discussion, I just want to say how likely for the humanity to actually invent this machine?

I think it's quite possible that we will at some point be able to harness or to invent a machine that can travel in time, whether we find a loophole within physics that allows us to do it, or we just find a device that creates our own loophole. I'm sure we'll eventually be able to get there, but I think what it's going to come to this we're gonna have to evolve a lot as a species, maybe even kind of to the point where we can see beyond a linear time ourselves, we'll have to actually be able to wrap our own brains around being able to see that 4th dimension.

So for us to actually understand what it means to travel in time at first, and it's also simply the amount of energy that would be required for such type of travel.

Yeah. If we kind of go back to what we talked about with like the Philadelphia experiment and the Montauk experiment, now these were like nuclear power, rightAnd they were experimenting on doing that type of really massive amounts of power.

And that's something that we haven't gone much beyond. And that was something where they said it was only 11 seconds. So imagine trying to go back a year or a hundred years, imagine the amount of power you would have to create to do that.

That may not even be something that we can create using all the power in our solar system.

And also perhaps when you are able to create such massive power source, energy source, we will probably eradicate ourselves first.


All right, very interesting series. Again like all of our geek time episodes this is going to give me a lot of fruitful thought. Thank you so much brought for coming to the studio again.

No problem.

If you have anything to say about time travel, share with us in the comments section your theories.

And if you're a time traveler, let us know.

See you next time.

See you bye.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

eradicate [i'rædikeit]


v. 根除,扑减,根绝

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

flip [flip]


vt. 掷,弹,轻击
vi. 翻转

harness ['hɑ:nis]


n. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄,安全带

incidence ['insidəns]


n. 发生(率), 入射

dimension [di'menʃən]


n. 尺寸,次元,容积,维度,范围,方面

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

simulation [.simju'leiʃən]


n. 模拟,仿真,赝品





