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2006年Macworld大会 乔布斯介绍初代MacBook Pro(1)

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  • Today we are introducing a new notebook computer that we are calling the MacBook Pro.
  • 今天我们将推出一款新的笔记本电脑,我们给它起名为MacBook Pro。
  • It's a new name... It's a new name because we're kinda done with Power, and because we want Mac in the name of our products.
  • 这是个新名字...这是一个新名字,因为我们已经不再使用Power了,也因为我们希望Mac的字样出现在我们的产品中。
  • So, MacBook Pro. And this is the new MacBook Pro.
  • 所以,就叫MacBook Pro了。这就是新产品,MacBook Pro。
  • It has an Intel Core Duo chip in it, the same as we're putting in the new iMac,
  • 它配备了英特尔酷睿双核芯片,我们的新iMac上也同样配备了,
  • which means that there are going to be dual processors in every MacBook Pro.
  • 这意味着每一台MacBook Pro都将配备双处理器。
  • So what does this yield?
  • 那效果如何呢?
  • This is hard to believe, but this is what the numbers tell us.
  • 很难相信,但数字告诉我们了。
  • Four to five times faster than the PowerBook G4. These things are screamers.
  • 相比起PowerBook G4来说,速度快了4-5倍。真是让人惊讶不已。
  • Four to five times faster. Let's take a look at the numbers.
  • 快了4到5倍。让我们看一下具体数字。
  • So, a PowerBook G4 compared to the new MacBook Pro Core Duo.
  • 我们将PowerBook G4和新产品MacBook Pro Core Duo做一下对比。
  • Integer: 4.5 times faster, 6.7 to 30.3.
  • 整数运算效能指数:快了4.5倍,从6.7到30.3。
  • Floating point: 5.2 times faster, 4.9 to 25.6.
  • 浮点数运算效能指数:快了5.2倍,从4.9到25.6。
  • 4.5, and 5.2 times faster.
  • 分别快了4.5倍和5.2倍。
  • So the new MacBook Pro is the fastest Mac notebook ever. Obviously?
  • 所有,这款新产品,MacBook Pro,是迄今为止速度最快的Mac笔记本电脑。显而易见吧?


Today we are introducing a new notebook computer that we are calling the MacBook Pro.

今天我们将推出一款新的笔记本电脑,我们给它起名为MacBook Pro
It's a new name... It's a new name because we're kinda done with Power, and because we want Mac in the name of our products.
So, MacBook Pro. And this is the new MacBook Pro.
所以,就叫MacBook Pro了。这就是新产品,MacBook Pro
It has an Intel Core Duo chip in it, the same as we're putting in the new iMac,
which means that there are going to be dual processors in every MacBook Pro.
这意味着每一台MacBook Pro都将配备双处理器。
So what does this yield?

2006年Macworld大会 乔布斯介绍初代MacBook Pro

This is hard to believe, but this is what the numbers tell us.

Four to five times faster than the PowerBook G4. These things are screamers.
相比起PowerBook G4来说,速度快了4-5倍。真是让人惊讶不已。
Four to five times faster. Let's take a look at the numbers.
So, a PowerBook G4 compared to the new MacBook Pro Core Duo.
我们将PowerBook G4和新产品MacBook Pro Core Duo做一下对比。
Integer: 4.5 times faster, 6.7 to 30.3.
Floating point: 5.2 times faster, 4.9 to 25.6.
4.5, and 5.2 times faster.
So the new MacBook Pro is the fastest Mac notebook ever. Obviously?
所有,这款新产品,MacBook Pro,是迄今为止速度最快的Mac笔记本电脑。显而易见吧?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

dual ['dju:əl]


adj. 双重的,成双的
n. 双数

yield [ji:ld]


n. 生产量,投资收益
v. 生产,屈服,投降





