The helmets used at Fiumicino Airport in Rome are equipped with portable thermal scanners.
They can screen people for certain coronavirus symptoms such as a high temperature from a safe distance of up to seven meters.
Massimiliano Moretto is a senior engineer at Sielte SpA, the helmet developer.
马西米利亚诺·莫雷托是头盔开发商Sielte SpA的高级工程师。
This is a smart helmet, a helmet equipped with a thermal camera capable of detecting the infrared heat emissions of bodies passing through its range and a normal camera.
Officials say a view of the scan is transmitted to the visor inside the augmented reality helmet.

It is able to detect the temperature of the single person but also of groups and can signal to the operator
if there is a person with a temperature above a threshold set by the Italian National Institute of Health.
The airport has three helmets but hopes to increase that number as more people begin to travel again.
It's ramping up safety measures in hopes of people returning including sanitizing surfaces and using devices such as the smart helmets.
The number of passengers at Italy's busiest airport in Rome has declined by 95% because of the pandemic
but the Italian government has begun to slowly lift strict lockdowns that have been in place for the last two months.
Mariama Diallo, VOA news