"Do without".
“do without”(没有……也行)。
So, "do without" basically means be able to succeed or survive without something.
So, if you can do without it, means you'll be okay if you don't have it. Okay?
如果你能do without it,那就是说即便你没有那个东西你也能好好的,明白了吗?
So: "These days, people, like young people, are learning math, and science, and art at school,
but a lot of the bigger tech companies and a lot of the bigger international companies are warning parents and young people
that in the future they will not be able to do without some programming skills." Okay?
Now, you can use this at the beginning, like, you can do without something, or you can put it after the something.
我们可以把这个词组用在句首,比如you can do without something(你没有什么东西也能行),也可以把它用在句尾。
Something that you cannot do without.
说成,Something that you cannot do without(某个东西是你离不开的)。
So: "Programming skills are something that young people cannot do without if they want to get a good job in the future." Okay?
So, if you're talking about employment.
If you can do without it, great; if you can't do without it, make sure you get it - whatever "it" is. Okay?
"Follow through" has a couple of meanings.
“follow through”这个短语动词有好几个意思。
One is to complete.
If I started a project, I will follow it through to the end.
比如If I started a project, I will follow it through to the end(如果我开始了一个项目,我就一定会把它做到最后)。
And notice I say: "Follow it through to the end" means I will continue until it's finished.
注意,我说的是“follow it through to the end”,意思就是我会一直做下去,直到做完为止。
"Follow through" can also means to, like, keep a promise.
“follow through”也可以表示信守诺言。
So, if I promised my friend that I will help him move this weekend, then I have to follow through on that promise;
比如如果我承诺朋友周末我会去帮他搬家,那我就要follow through(履行)这个承诺;
I have to go and actually help him move to his new apartment.
So, keep a promise or complete a task.
Follow through on a project, follow through on one's plans, follow through on a promise.
Follow through on一个项目,follow through on某人的计划,follow through on一个承诺。
Notice the collocations, there.
"Frown upon".
接下来是“Frown upon”(因为……皱眉)。
Now, first of all, what does "frown" mean?
So, the opposite of a smile is a frown.
So, we always say...This is a smile; this is a frown. Right?
So: Turn that frown upside down, and you get a smile.
That's just for the kids, anyway.
So, "to frown upon" means to basically not accept something or to think something is not a good thing.
所以“to frown upon”的基本含义就是不赞成某事或者觉得某事不好。
Now, generally speaking, when you frown upon something,
一般来说,当你“frown upon something”,
means that technically it's okay or it's legal, or whatever, but it's frowned upon - means people don't want you to do it.
意思就是严格来说,那么做也是没问题的,是合法的之类的,但还是被大家“frowned upon”了,意思就是大家不希望你那么做。
It's not really accepted. Okay?
So, let's say in politics.
Realistically and legally, a politician can attack another politician, like, verbally; not physically, obviously.
Verbally and in terms of ads or campaigns, etc.
But in many countries, this is frowned upon.
但在许多国家,这种做法都是被“frowned upon”的。
If you do that, people look badly at you and it's actually going to hurt you more than help you.
You're allowed to; nobody can stop you, but it's frowned upon, so better not to do it.
你可以这么做;也不会有人出来阻止你,但还是会被“frowned upon”,所以你最好还是别那么做。
"Resort to".
接下来是“resort to”(诉诸于)。
When you resort to something, you're using this option, or this tactic, or this thing that you can do as the last option.
你“resort to”某个东西,就是你把这个选择,这个策略,或这个东西当成你万不得已才会做出的选择。
So, for example, if you want to, if you need to resort to something,
举个例子,如果你想,如果你需要resort to something,
it's usually something that you don't want to do, but you have no more options.
So, people resort to legal action, or people resort to violence when they have nothing.
There's nothing else they can do. Right?
So, for example: I live in a building and my neighbour every weekend has a party and it's really loud,
and lots of people come, come to the apartment, and it really bothers me.
So I've gone to the neighbour and I've spoken to him,
and I've asked him many times to please turn down the music and invite fewer people - that didn't work.
I went to the landlord, I complained, I said: "This person is making too much noise."
Nothing changed.
So, finally, I resorted to calling the police. I resorted to legal action.
最后我就resorted to报警,resorted to法律了。
I had no other choice.
I was trying to be nice, talking to my neighbour, but finally I had no choice;
I resorted to calling the police to come and do something about it.
我只好resorted to打电话给警察,让他们来解决这个事情。
"Rule out".
接下来是“rule out”(排除)这个短语动词。
"To rule out" is to say: "Impossible. This is not going to happen." Okay?
“to rule out”就等于说“不可能。不会这样的。”明白了吗?
So, especially when you're talking about negotiations, for example, in business.
"We're going to negotiate with you, but we're not ruling out legal action."
So, again, I'm using legal action.
这里我们有用到了“legal action”(法律行动)这个词。
I'm keeping this option available.
So: "not rule out" means to leave something, an option available.
也就是说,“not rule out”的意思就是保留某个东西,保留某个选项。
"To rule out" means to make an option not available; impossible. Okay?
“to rule out”的意思就是让某个选项不再可用;让它变得不可能。明白了吗?
So, a lot of...a lot of companies rule out the op-...the opportunity to be bought out, or to pay more, or to do whatever.
比如,很多…很多公司都rule out了被买断的可能,rule out了支付更高价格的可能等等。
So, I have a company and I say: "Okay, the minimum wage is $15 per hour,
and I will rule out any, any opposition or anybody who wants to pay less for whatever reason." Okay?
任何,任何反对意见或任何想要降价的人,无论是出于什么原因,都会被我rule out(排除)。
So: "rule it out" - not going to happen.
所以,“rule it out”就是不可能发生的意思。
"Put off".
接下来要讲的是“put off”(推迟)。
I think many people know this one; it's a bit more common.
"To put off" basically means to postpone; to schedule for a later date.
“to put off”的基本含义就是推迟;把日程安排往后推一推。
So, we were supposed to have a meeting at the company today,
but the, the weather has been terrible, and many people are stuck in traffic or just can't get to the office because of the weather,
so we will put off the meeting until next week; we will postpone it, we will do it again next week.
所以我们就把会put off到了下周,意思就是我们把它推迟了,推迟到下周再开。
Now, very common phrasal verbs.
And yes, use these in your writing.
In your IELTS and TOEFL writing, use these for the essays; don't be afraid of them.
There's no such thing as bad English. Right? It's all English.
There are informal or slang phrasal verbs - those you should avoid.
Otherwise, if they're formal or neutral, absolutely use them; you're going to get a higher vocab score. Okay?
Now, if you have any questions about this, please ask me in the comment section at www.engvid.com.
There's a quiz as well, if you want to practice and make sure you understand the meanings of these.
And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you like the channel, and give me a like.
And come back next week.
Oh, and don't forget: If you want more help and more ideas about writing for the IELTS or TOEFL,
don't forget to check out my site: WriteToTop.com or "Write to Top" at YouTube, and you'll get a lot more help there as well.
别忘了去看看我的网站WriteToTop.com或我的youtube频道“Write to Top”,有更多精彩内容等着你解锁喔。
Okay. I'll see you next time for another lesson. Bye-bye.