A lot of mayors across the country have been talking about how they're going to change their cities in response to the Black Lives Matter protests.
But their speeches are sometimes a little confusing. Check out this one mayor I just saw. Hello.
I wanted to address the people of this city that I am the mayor of. The protests have forced my staff and I to begin having a conversation.
The conversation is important. The conversation is necessary. And while I can't tell you at this time what that conversation is,
I can tell you that it is a conversation. And we are having it. Our mouths will move up and down.
Words will come out of the middle parts of our mouth, and that will form a conversation.
Another thing we're working on, and this can't happen overnight, is we're opening up a dialogue.
It will be a dialogue between myself and those listening to the dialogue.
It will be like your words are food for our ears, which are mouths, except our mouths won't be eating food words.
They'll be participating in the dialogue.
We're also going to move funds around to have the resources necessary to open up an exchange of ideas.

We're going to spend some time thinking about the ideas. Then we're going to start bouncing those ideas back and forth until we settle on one single idea.
Then I'm going to let that idea enter my mind,
which will cause my fingers to write policy changes and my fingers just want to say thank you, and that they are listening.
So to summarize, we will be having a conversation, a dialogue, and the exchange of ideas.
And then we're going to look towards having a conversation about what ideas we're bouncing back and forth in the dialogue.
But until then, we want everyone to continue the conversation while I also have my own dialogue with members of my team
who are exploring both ideas and concepts. Communication is what this is. C-O-M-M...I-C...U-N-I...
Wow. He got out just in the nick of time before that rain came.