Hey there! I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crash Course Theater.
嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂”
And today we're going to the land of the free and the home of the showboat. That's right. It's America. He's loving it.
今天我们要去一个充满自由的国度 那里也是“演艺船”的发源地 对的 就是美国 它爱吃汉堡
We'll look at pre-colonial performance, post-colonial performance,
some attempts to exotic eyes indigenous cultures and a theater related riot.
对土著文化的不同尝试 以及和戏剧相关的一场骚乱
Lights up.
As you remember from our episode on Sor Juana, performance in the Americas doesn't begin with colonizers.
正如我们在索尔·胡安娜那一集讲到的 美洲的戏剧表演并不是殖民者们引进来的
In North America many of the indigenous communities practiced ritual performances, including song and dance and varieties of storytelling.
当时生活在北美洲的一些土著社区会举行某些仪式表演 表演形式包括:唱歌、跳舞、还有各种讲故事
These performances transmitted histories and reinforced beliefs.
Before and after the American Revolution, governments often suppressed and outlawed these performances.
美国革命爆发前后 政府曾多次压制并明文禁止这些表演
Maybe because settlers didn't understand them or because they realized that suppressing them weakened indigenous communities or both.
但是或许是因为殖民者们不理解他们的想法 或者是殖民者们意识到镇压的举措削弱了土著社区 或许两者都有
But indigenous performance traditions do eventually meld with the theatrical traditions of colonists in sometimes surprising ways.
Surviving efforts to stamp them out or starve them of an audience.
Later some versions of these performances resurfaced as popular entertainment for white audiences.
后来 这些表演的一些变相版本以流行的娱乐节目的身份重新出现在白人观众面前
Via nineteenth-century spectacles, like Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show,
在19世纪的一些表演的基础上 比如水牛比尔·科迪的“西大荒演出”
the first scripted play performed in North America is performed in Canada or as colonists call it at the time-New France.
The play is called the theater of Neptune and it's performed in a harbor outside the French settlement of Port Royal in 1606.
这部剧被称为《海神剧场》 于1606年在法国皇家港口外的一个港口进行演出
The play is basically a bunch of speeches by Micmacs Chiefs swearing allegiance to the king of France saying
"no, it's fine! Please colonize us!"
“不 没关系的 来殖民我们吧!”
And then Neptune who I guess is tight with the King of France is all like
"Thanks, let's get together with my Tritons and have a banquet."
“感谢 让我们和我的特里同们一起搞个宴会吧”
We don't know what the actual Micmacs of the time think about the play,

but we can assume they'd have been surprised to see themselves depicted as subjugated people?
但是我们能想到 当看到自己被刻画成被征服者的样子时 他们肯定很惊讶吧
Especially because Port Royal is barely hanging on at this point, close to starvation and facing an uncertain future,
尤其是皇家港口这个场地差点没能保住 生意潦倒 前途未卜
but the play also provides a record of early cultural exchanges.
Micmac words appear alongside French ones suggesting that settlers were learning from the first peoples.
因为密克马克语版的剧本和法语版的是相伴出现的 这表明殖民者们当时正在向当地的原始居民学习
In the colonies to the south of Canada, theatre has some trouble catching on.
而在加拿大南部的一些殖民地地区 戏剧的发展则步履维艰
A lot of the first American colonists are Puritans, and if there's one thing we know about Puritans, it's that they hate themselves...some theater.
第一批到来的殖民者当中很多都是清教徒 如果说我们对清教徒有什么了解的话 那就是他们本身就讨厌……戏剧
Theater is sinful, and America is going to be a city on a hill, which means a city with no theaters, apprently.
戏剧是罪恶的 而美国将成为一座山上的城市 意思就是“美国将成为一个没有戏剧的城市 很显然”
William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania and a Quaker told lots of persecuted religious minorities to come and hang out.
But even he is like: how many plays did Jesus Christ and His apostles recreate themselves at?
What poets, romances, comedies, and the like did the Saints make use to pass their time withal?
All these are presumably rhetorical questions.
Another problem with the theater: so British! And America is trying really hard to not be like its parents.
During the Stamp Act riots, New Yorkers tear down a theater when they learn a British troop is performing there.
在“印花税法案”骚乱期间 纽约州人在得知英国军队演出戏剧时 他们愤怒地将那家剧院大卸八块
During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress issues in edict saying:
独立战争期间 大陆会议颁布了一项法令:
we will discountenance and discourage every species of extravagance and dissipation, especially all horse racing and all kinds of gaming,
我们反对一切铺张浪费的行为 尤其是赛马、赌博、
cockfighting, exhibition of shows, plays, and other expensive diversions and entertainments. Buzz, kills.
斗鸡、表演、戏剧以及其他的一些奢华的娱乐活动 一锅端哪!
But here's a surprise, theater sneaks in anyway. Okay, that's not really a surprise. I mean, you know what Jeff Goldblum says: theater...finds a way.
不过 戏剧最后还是坚强地存活了下来 好吧 这并不奇怪 嗯 用杰夫·戈德布卢姆的话说就是:戏剧……找到了出路
For a long time people believed that the first play performed in America
很长一段时间以来 人们都认为在美国演出的第一部戏剧
was a production of The Merchant of Venice in Williamsburg Virginia that the Hallam company brought over from England.
Remember the Hallams they got caught infringing on the Licensing Act had to leave London and who they were quick but first maybe not.
还记得哈勒姆吗 它们被发现违反了《特许法案》条例 之后不得不离开伦敦 后来很快但可能不是第一个到达美洲的戏剧公司
As early as 1665, there's a record of an English-language play called "Ye Bare And Ye Cubb" being performed at a tavern elsewhere in Virginia.
因为据纪录显示 早在1665年就有一部名为Ye Bare And Ye Cubb的戏剧在弗吉尼亚某地的一家酒馆里进行过演出
We know this because the writer gets accused of public wickedness.
而我们之所以知道这个是因为 这部剧的作者曾被指控犯有公共不道德罪行
And he and the cast have to perform the play in court in costume. They're found not guilty. Huzzah.
他和演员们必须穿着戏服去法庭上演出戏剧了 不过后来他们被判无罪 万岁!
Before the Revolutionary War, purpose-built theaters go up in Williamsburg, New York, and Charleston.
在独立战争爆发之前 威廉斯堡、纽约和查尔斯顿都有修建专门的剧院
Another professional company, led by Walter Murray and Thomas Keane,
另外还有一家专业的戏剧公司 领导人是沃尔特·默里和托马斯·基恩
forms a few years ahead of the Hallams, and performs a bunch of plays in a Philadelphia warehouse in 1749.
其成立时间比哈勒姆还要早上几年 而且早在1749年他们就曾在费城的一个仓库里演出过一系列戏剧
The lineup includes Richard the third, The Beggar's Opera and the London Merchants,
because who doesn't need a friendly reminder that messing with rich people is bad news.
因为世人都需要这样一个友好的提醒 即跟有钱人打交道没什么好下场
You bear and you cub aside. The pre-revolution repertory is pretty much all English at this point.
A few Americans are writing plays including Androboros, a really mean satire by the colonial governor of New York and New Jersey,
后来有些美国人开始自己创作戏剧 比如《安德波罗斯》 是纽约和新泽西的殖民地总督写的一部刻薄的讽刺剧
making fun of his political rival. But these are all closeted dramas.
来取笑他的政治对手 不过都是些书斋剧
During the revolution, satirical closet drama really takes off,
后来在革命期间 一部名为《壁橱》的讽刺剧大受欢迎
A bunch of American writers pen anti-british plays. A lot of them in blank verse. So take that, Tories. How do you like your sinful theatre now?
开始有一群美国作家写反英话题的戏剧 大多是无韵诗 所以 托利派们(保守党) 你们现在还为自己的罪恶剧场沾沾自喜不?
But the edict from the Continental Congress means that these works aren't staged. So Tory's probably never saw them.
不过 因为有大陆会议法令的限制 这些戏剧作品无法进行演出 所以 托利党们没有机会欣赏了
After the Revolution New York is like "Hooray for America. Down with the British." But
革命结束之后 整个纽约天天高喊“美国万岁 打倒英国人” 但是 别扯犊子了
maybe we can keep theater? And they do. And so do other cities.
戏剧咱们还能保住不?他们保住了 不仅是纽约 其他城市也保住了
New York and Philadelphia become the early capitals of American theater.
Some troupes are imported from London, some are made up of home-grown actors.
其中有些剧团是从伦敦进口的 还有些则是由本土演员组成的
Most troupes tour, and touring gets even easier when companies have the bright idea
大部分剧团都是巡回演出的形式 后来他们想到了一个好点子
to make theaters out of boats and send those showboats up and down the Mississippi!
即沿着密西西比河上下游这样在船上进行巡回表演 这令他们的巡回演出变得更加轻松
The repertory is still mostly English Shakespeare and sentimental comedy.
But after the war, plays by American writers become increasingly popular.
不过战争之后 美国剧作家的作品也逐渐受到欢迎