In 1919, long after the lake had vanished, a geologist named J. W. Gregory was scouting the area for mineral prospects
when he came across a stretch of open ground littered with anomalous dark stones that had clearly been shaped by human hand.
He had found one of the great sites of Acheulean tool manufacture that Ian Tattersall had told me about.
Unexpectedly in the autumn of 2002 I found myself a visitor to this extraordinary site.
I was in Kenya for another purpose altogether, visiting some projects run by the charity CARE International,
but my hosts, knowing of my interest in humans for the present volume, had inserted a visit to Olorgesailie into the schedule.
After its discovery by Gregory, Olorgesailie lay undisturbed for over two decades
before the famed husband-and-wife team of Louis and Mary Leakey began an excavation that isn't completed yet.
What the Leakeys found was a site stretching to ten acres or so,
where tools were made in incalculable numbers for roughly a million years, from about 1.2 million years ago to 200,000 years ago.

Today the tool beds are sheltered from the worst of the elements beneath large tin lean-tos and fenced off with chicken wire to discourage opportunistic scavenging by visitors,
but otherwise the tools are left just where their creators dropped them and where the Leakeys found them.
Jillani Ngalli, a keen young man from the Kenyan National Museum who had been dispatched to act as guide,
told me that the quartz and obsidian rocks from which the axes were made were never found on the valley floor.
"They had to carry the stones from there," he said, nodding at a pair of mountains in the hazy middle distance, in opposite directions from the site: Olorgesailie and Ol Esakut.