When Wex saw Esgred, his eyes went round. You'd think he'd never seen a woman before, Theon thought.
"Esgred will be riding with me back to Pyke. Saddle the horses, and be quick about it."
The boy had ridden in on a scrawny little garron from Lord Balon's stable, but Theon's mount was quite another sort of beast.
"Where did you find that hellhorse?" Esgred asked when she saw him, but from the way she laughed he knew she was impressed.
"Lord Botley bought him in Lannisport a year past, but he proved to be too much horse for him, so Botley was pleased to sell."
The Iron Islands were too sparse and rocky for breeding good horses.

Most of the islanders were indifferent riders at best, more comfortable on the deck of a long-ship than in the saddle.
Even the lords rode garrons or shaggy Harlaw ponies, and ox carts were more common than drays.
The smallfolk too poor to own either one pulled their own plows through the thin, stony soil.
But Theon had spent ten years in Winterfell, and did not intend to go to war without a good mount beneath him.
Lord Botley's misjudgment was his good fortune: a stallion with a temper as black as his hide,
larger than a courser if not quite so big as most destriers.
As Theon was not quite so big as most knights, that suited him admirably.
The animal had fire in his eyes. When he'd met his new owner, he'd pulled back his lips and tried to bite off his face.
"Does he have a name?" Esgred asked Theon as he mounted.