"I thought... maybe by then I could think of a way..."
"I have no time for this, I have horses to groom and saddle." Jon walked away as confused as he was angry.
Sam's heart was a big as the rest of him, but for all his reading he could be as thick as Grenn at times.
It was impossible, and dishonorable besides. So why do I feel so ashamed?
Jon took his accustomed position at Mormont's side as the Night's Watch streamed out past the skulls on Craster's gate.
They struck off north and west along a crooked game trail.

North of the compound, the brook was in full spate, choked with leaves and bits of wood,
but the scouts had found where the ford lay and the column was able to splash across.
The water ran as high as a horse's belly. Ghost swam, emerging on the bank with his white fur dripping brown.
When he shook, spraying mud and water in all directions, Mormont said nothing, but on his shoulder the raven screeched.
"My lord," Jon said quietly as the wood closed in around them once more. "Craster has no sheep. Nor any sons."
Mormont made no answer.
"At Winterfell one of the serving women told us stories," Jon went on.
"She used to say that there were wildlings who would lay with the Others to birth half-human children."