Hey there, I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crash Course Theater and remember that guy we said
嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成小课堂” 还记得
we weren't going to talk about in the last episode? Well, we're gonna talk about him for a while now.
上一集里我们说到的那个不会提的人吧?嗯 我们待会儿就来讲讲他
I mean, of course, Yorick's pal Shakespeare.
当然 我说的就是尤里克的朋友——莎士比亚
And yes, Shakespeare actually wrote all of Shakespeare's plays, though sometimes he had help.
是的 莎士比亚所有的戏剧都是他本人写的 虽然偶尔需要帮手
But hey, you don't become the presiding genius of English theatre without some assistance.
但是 嘿 如果没有外来的帮助 谁又能成为英国戏剧的首席天才呢
Today we'll cover Shakespeare's biography, look at playwriting in Elizabethan England,
and take on a genre our boy Bill helped invent: the history play.
So once more into the breach! Who's with me? Typical!
So, who is this Shakespeare guy, anyway?
所以 莎士比亚到底是谁呢?
We first hear of him on April 26th… or 23rd… or even a little earlier… in 1564,
莎士比亚最早出现于1564年的4月26号…也可能是23号 或许还要更早些
when he's baptized in the sleepy market town of Stratford-upon-Avon.
His father, John, was a glover, and did ok for himself.
他的父亲约翰是一个手套贩卖商 生意做得还不错
John held a number of civic positions including ale-taster of the borough,
约翰担任过许多公职 包括镇子里的品酒师
and eventually mayor… an unorthodox political ascendancy, but hey whatever works!
最后当上了市长……借着不正统的政治优势 不过 管它呢
John's wife, Mary, was the daughter of reasonably wealthy landowners.
And Shakespeare had four younger siblings who lived to adulthood including one, Edmund, who was an actor but died at 27.
莎士比亚有四个弟弟妹妹 他们都活到了成年 其中有一个叫埃德蒙 是名演员 但是27岁就去世了
At the age of six or seven, William starts attending the Stratford Grammar School, where much of the instruction was in Latin.
威廉在六七岁的时候进入斯特拉特福德文法学校 那里大部分的课程都是拉丁文
He almost certainly read Plautus's comedies and Seneca's tragedies.
Some scholars think he leaves school at 13, some think at 15.
有些学者认为莎士比亚在13岁的时候离开学校 有些则认为是15岁
Maybe he works as a butcher; maybe he works for his father.
莎士比亚可能是个屠夫 也可能在他父亲手下工作

In 1582, he marries Anne Hathaway–NO THE OTHER ANNE HATHAWAY–who is 8 years older than him, and 6 months pregnant.
莎士比亚于1582年娶了安妮·海瑟薇 不 是另一个安妮·海瑟薇 比他大8岁 有6个月的身孕
She gives birth to Susanna in 1583, and the twins Judith and Hamnet a year and a half later. Hamnet!
她于1583年生下女儿苏珊娜 一年半后又生下双胞胎朱迪斯和哈姆内特 哈姆内特
At some point after the birth of the twins, Shakespeare moves to London.
And no one knows why! There's one story about how he had to go to London because he poached a deer?
没有人知道其中原因 有一个讲莎士比亚为什么搬去伦敦的故事 说是因为他偷猎了一只鹿?
There are also rumors that he joins up with traveling players.
But we don't really know anything more until 1592, when he's a popular actor and the author of several plays,
但是直到1592年我们才真正掌握到更多线索 那时莎士比亚是一名很受欢迎的演员并且写了一些戏剧
and people are making fun of him by calling him "Shake-scene", which I'm sure the time was very crashing.
人们还因此戏称他为“莎式片场” 我想那时候他肯定声名大躁
Around this time, one of the twins, Hamnet, dies at the age of 11. Hamnet!
大约就在那时 他的双胞胎儿子哈姆内特于11岁去世了 哈姆内特!
And when the theaters closed due to the plague, Shakespeare writes some long poems.
When theaters reopen, he joins the Lord Chamberlain's Men as an actor, a playwright, and a shareholder.
后来剧院重新开放 他便以演员、剧作家和股东的身份加入了宫廷大臣剧团
By 1597, Shakespeare has made enough money to buy the second fanciest place in Stratford-upon-Avon.
1597年的时候 莎士比亚已经赚了足够在埃文河畔的斯特拉特福买下了第二块豪地的钱
In 1611, he retires to Stratford proper; and again, no one knows why.
1611年的时候他隐退回到了斯特拉特福德 同样没人知道其中原因
And in 1616, at the age of 52, he dies.
1616年 52岁的莎士比亚去世了
His anti-grave robbing epitaph reads: Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blest be the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones.
So, how did Shakespeare become a playwright?
那么 莎士比亚是怎样成为剧作家的呢?
It's hard to say for sure, but traveling players performed frequently in Stratford when he was a kid.
不好说 但是在他小的时候斯特拉特福德就经常有巡回演员在那儿进行演出
If he really did join a traveling company during his lost years, it would have exposed him to all sorts of plays,
如果说在他不知所踪的那些年里他加入了一家旅行公司 那么他就有机会接触到各种戏剧
and the three or four production techniques that English theater had at the time.
Playwriting wasn't a prestigious occupation in Elizabethan England.
在伊丽莎白时期的英格兰 剧作家并不是一个多么光彩的职业
A lot of plays were written in these decades as there was a hunger for novelty.
因为人们的猎奇心 所以几十年里出世了很多戏剧
Established theaters were still a new thing, and these companies had no repertory of classics to fall back on.
老牌的剧院还属于新鲜事物 而且公司并没有固定的主打的经典剧目
So each company required new plays every couple of weeks.
Writing plays was often a group effort, and works from the beginning and end of Shakespeare's career were written this way…more collaboratively.
写剧本一般都是由一个团队来写 莎士比亚的作品从他职业生涯的开始到结束都是这样完成的……团队合作
Though it had the potential to make a lot of money, many playwrights often depended on side jobs or patronage.
虽然写剧本有能赚大钱的潜力 但是许多剧作家往往是依靠副业或者赞助来赚大钱
Shakespeare made his money not so much as a writer, but as a shareholder in the company.
莎士比亚与其说是以作家身份 不如说是以公司股东的身份来赚大钱
He definitely didn't make his cash in royalties.
Most plays weren't even published, and most of the ones that were appeared in cheap quartos—a name for booklets
大多戏剧甚至都没有出版 而且大多出版了的戏剧也都是以廉价的四开本制作的——所谓的四开本
made up of pieces of paper printed on eight sides and folded up to become four double-sided pages.
Many of these quarto publications were based on pirated copies and bad memories
and are full of error or variation, though some are accurate.
虽说有些地方没毛病 但是错误和变体的地方也够多了
Occasionally, several different versions of a play would get published,
like an early quarto of "Hamlet"that reads: "To be, or not to be,/ There's the point."
I know, Yorick.
我懂的 尤里克
These quartos were usually published anonymously, and even if an author's name did appear, he didn't receive any money from them.
这些四开本通常是匿名出版的 即使上面写了作者的名字 他也不会收到一分稿费
Copyright wouldn't be invented for about another hundred years, by the way.
顺便说一下 一百年之后才会出现“版权”这个东西
And yeah, any playwright of this era is definitely a "he".
而且 是的 这个时代所有的剧作家都是男的