"It looks snug. You know where Sam is?"
"Keep on the way you were. If you come on Ser Ottyn's pavilion, you've gone too far." Giant smiled.
"Unless Sam's found him a tree too. What a tree that would be."
It was Ghost who found Sam in the end. The direwolf shot ahead like a quarrel from a crossbow.
Under an outcrop of rock that gave some small degree of shelter from the rain, Sam was feeding the ravens.
His boots squished when he moved. "My feet are soaked through," he admitted miserably.
"When I climbed off my horse, I stepped in a hole and went in up to my knees."
"Take off your boots and dry your stockings. I'll find some dry wood.

If the ground's not wet under the rock, we might be able to get a fire burning." Jon showed Sam the rabbit. "And we'll feast."
"Won't you be attending Lord Mormont in the hall?"
"No, but you will. The Old Bear wants you to map for him. Craster says he'll find Mance Rayder for us."
"Oh." Sam did not look anxious to meet Craster, even if it meant a warm fire.
"He said eat first, though. Dry your feet."
Jon went to gather fuel, digging down under deadfalls for the drier wood beneath
and peeling back layers of sodden pine needles until he found likely kindling.
Even then, it seemed to take forever for a spark to catch.
He hung his cloak from the rock to keep the rain off his smoky little fire, making them a small snug alcove.