jump 跳绳,跳房子
skipping 跳房子游戏
I've never played this in UK.
tossing the sand bag: 丢沙包
You toss the bag between two people, i mean they alternate to toss the bag, another person actually stands in the middle, if he is hit by the bag, he will fail.Another person will replace him to stand in the middle.
one two three, stop: 123木头人
Everybody is dancing or moving or doing somesomething and somebody says 1,2,3, stop and you have to stand still like a tree or a statue, if you move, you are out.
The wolf is coming or What's the time, Mr wolf: 狼来了
spinning top:陀螺
transparent plastic yoyo: 透明塑料的溜溜球
outdoor games:室外游戏
Gameboy/play station:小型游戏机
Tetris: 俄罗斯方块
classic: 经典的
Nusery rhyme 幼儿园的儿歌
When you need to choose somebody to do something.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by his toe.
If he hollers let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
Chinese idioms:中国成语
Alexa's question:
What kind of challenges did you set your friends? 你小时候,有做过哪些挑战小伙伴的游戏呢?