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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I have twice that number here," Renly said, "and this is only part of my strength.
  • “而在这里,我有两倍于此的军队,”蓝礼道,“这还仅是我手下大军的一部分。
  • Mace Tyrell remains at Highgarden with another ten thousand, I have a strong garrison holding Storm's End,
  • 梅斯·提利尔带着一万兵士留守高庭,另一支强大的队伍替我看守风息堡,
  • and soon enough the Dornishmen will join me with all their power.
  • 不久多恩人也定将带着他们的军力加入我方。
  • And never forget my brother Stannis, who holds Dragonstone and commands the lords of the narrow sea."
  • 还有,别忘了我哥哥史坦尼斯,他拥有龙石岛,统御狭海诸侯。”
  • "It would seem that you are the one who has forgotten Stannis," Catelyn said, more sharply than she'd intended.
  • “忘了史坦尼斯的恐怕正是您吧,”凯特琳道,话一出口,方才觉得过于尖锐。
  • "His claim, you mean?" Renly laughed. "Let us be blunt, my lady.
  • “您指的是……他的继承权?”蓝礼大笑。“就让我们直说吧,夫人。
  • Stannis would make an appalling king. Nor is he like to become one.
  • 史坦尼斯要当上国王那才叫可怕。不,他不适合当国王。
  • Men respect Stannis, even fear him, but precious few have ever loved him."
  • 人们尊敬他,甚至畏惧他,但没有人喜欢他。”
  • "He is still your elder brother. If either of you can be said to have a right to the Iron Throne, it must be Lord Stannis."
  • “可他仍旧是你的兄长。如果你们兄弟俩真有这个权利要求铁王座,那也应当是史坦尼斯大人。”
  • Renly shrugged. "Tell me, what right did my brother Robert ever have to the Iron Throne?"
  • 蓝礼耸耸肩。“告诉我,我老哥劳勃有什么权利要求铁王座?”
  • He did not wait for an answer. "Oh, there was talk of the blood ties between Baratheon and Targaryen,
  • 他没有等她回答。“噢,的确人们传说拜拉席恩家族和坦格利安家之间有血亲关系,
  • of weddings a hundred years past, of second sons and elder daughters.
  • 数百年前的联姻,私生次子和老王的大女儿……
  • No one but the maesters care about any of it. Robert won the throne with his warhammer."
  • 除了学士谁在乎这个?不,劳勃得到王座靠的是他的战锤。”
  • He swept a hand across the campfires that burned from horizon to horizon.
  • 他伸出手臂,扫过无边无际的篝火。


"I have twice that number here," Renly said, "and this is only part of my strength. Mace Tyrell remains at Highgarden with another ten thousand, I have a strong garrison holding Storm's End, and soon enough the Dornishmen will join me with all their power. And never forget my brother Stannis, who holds Dragonstone and commands the lords of the narrow sea."

"It would seem that you are the one who has forgotten Stannis," Catelyn said, more sharply than she'd intended.

"His claim, you mean?" Renly laughed. "Let us be blunt, my lady. Stannis would make an appalling king. Nor is he like to become one. Men respect Stannis, even fear him, but precious few have ever loved him."

"He is still your elder brother. If either of you can be said to have a right to the Iron Throne, it must be Lord Stannis."
Renly shrugged. "Tell me, what right did my brother Robert ever have to the Iron Throne?" He did not wait for an answer. "Oh, there was talk of the blood ties between Baratheon and Targaryen, of weddings a hundred years past, of second sons and elder daughters. No one but the maesters care about any of it. Robert won the throne with his warhammer." He swept a hand across the campfires that burned from horizon to horizon.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

mace [meis]


n. 钉头槌,狼牙棒 n. 权标,执权标者 vt. 向

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ]


adj. 令人震惊的,可怕的





