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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Renly grinned. "Go softly, Lord Randyll, I fear you're overmatched."
  • 蓝礼露齿而笑,“放松放松,蓝道大人,别太卤莽了哟。”
  • He summoned a steward in the livery of Storm's End.
  • 他招来一名身着风息堡服饰的侍从。
  • "Find a place for the lady's companions, and see that they have every comfort.
  • “去为夫人的随从安排住所,一定确保他们安全舒适。
  • Lady Catelyn shall have my own pavilion. Since Lord Caswell has been so kind as to give me
  • 我将邀请凯特琳夫人住进我自己的营帐。自从好心的卡斯威大人把
  • use of his castle, I have no need of it. My lady, when you are rested, I would be honored
  • 自己的城堡供给我使用后,营帐已经空了好几天。夫人,您休息好之后,我很荣幸
  • if you would share our meat and mead at the feast Lord Caswell is giving us tonight.
  • 邀请您与我们共进晚餐,参加男爵大人安排的宴会。
  • A farewell feast. I fear his lordship is eager to see the heels of my hungry horde."
  • 这是一次送别宴,大人他一定早早盼着我饥肠辘辘的大兵们快些离开哪!”
  • "Not true, Your Grace," protested a wispy young man who must have been Caswell. "What is mine is yours."
  • “并非如此,陛下,”一位纤细的年轻人抗议,此人大概便是卡斯威。“我所拥有的一切都属于您。”
  • "Whenever someone said that to my brother Robert, he took them at their word," Renly said. "Do you have daughters?"
  • “每当别人这么对我老哥劳勃说,他总是信以为真,”蓝礼道,“你有女儿吗?”
  • "Yes, Your Grace. Two."
  • “有的,陛下。有两个。”
  • "Then thank the gods that I am not Robert. My sweet queen is all the woman I desire."
  • “那你应该感谢天上诸神,我不是劳勃。全世界的女人,我唯一想要的只是我可爱的王后。”
  • Renly held out his hand to help Margaery to her feet.
  • 蓝礼伸手抱住玛格丽,扶她起身。
  • "We'll talk again when you've had a chance to refresh yourself, Lady Catelyn."
  • “等您养足精神后我们再谈,凯特琳夫人。”
  • Renly led his bride back toward the castle while his steward conducted Catelyn to the king's green silk pavilion.
  • 蓝礼带着他的新娘朝着城堡走去,他的侍从则把凯特琳带到国王那绿丝绸做的大营帐前。
  • "If you have need of anything, you have only to ask, my lady."
  • “需要什么,请尽管开口吩咐,夫人。”


Renly grinned. "Go softly, Lord Randyll, I fear you're overmatched." He summoned a steward in the livery of Storm's End. "Find a place for the lady's companions, and see that they have every comfort. Lady Catelyn shall have my own pavilion. Since Lord Caswell has been so kind as to give me use of his castle, I have no need of it. My lady, when you are rested, I would be honored if you would share our meat and mead at the feast Lord Caswell is giving us tonight. A farewell feast. I fear his lordship is eager to see the heels of my hungry horde."

"Not true, Your Grace," protested a wispy young man who must have been Caswell. "What is mine is yours."

"Whenever someone said that to my brother Robert, he took them at their word," Renly said. "Do you have daughters?"

"Yes, Your Grace. Two."
"Then thank the gods that I am not Robert. My sweet queen is all the woman I desire." Renly held out his hand to help Margaery to her feet. "We'll talk again when you've had a chance to refresh yourself, Lady Catelyn."
Renly led his bride back toward the castle while his steward conducted Catelyn to the king's green silk pavilion. "If you have need of anything, you have only to ask, my lady."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

farewell ['fɛə'wel]


adj. 告别的
int. 再会,别了

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

refresh [ri'freʃ]


v. 使 ... 生气蓬勃,提起精神,恢复精神





