A little while after, he added, "How contemptible is the one-ideaed obstinacy those sounds display! When one is taken no notice of,
he has simply at once to give over his wish for public employment.
'Deep water must be crossed with the clothes on; shallow water may be crossed with the clothes held up.'"
The Master said, "How determined is he in his purpose! But this is not difficult!"
Tsze-chang said, "What is meant when the Shu says that Kao-tsung, while observing the usual imperial mourning, was for three years without speaking?"

The Master said, "Why must Kao-tsung be referred to as an example of this? The ancients all did so.
When the sovereign died, the officers all attended to their several duties, taking instructions from the prime minister for three years."
The Master said, "When rulers love to observe the rules of propriety, the people respond readily to the calls on them for service."
Tsze-lu asked what constituted the superior man. The Master said, "The cultivation of himself in reverential carefulness."
"And is this all?" said Tsze-lu. "He cultivates himself so as to give rest to others," was the reply.