"You need a boarspear to hunt boars, and horses and dogs, and men to flush the boar from its lair." Her father had hunted boar in the wolfswood with Robb and Jon. Once he even took Bran, but never Arya, even though she was older. Septa Mordane said boar hunting was not for ladies, and Mother only promised that when she was older she might have her own hawk. She was older now, but if she had a hawk she'd eat it.
"What do you know about hunting boars?" said Hot Pie.
"More than you."

Gendry was in no mood to hear it. "Quiet, both of you, I need to think what to do." He always looked pained when he tried to think, like it hurt him something fierce.
"Yield," Lommy said.
"I told you to shut up about the yielding. We don't even know who's in there. Maybe we can steal some food."
"Lommy could steal, if it wasn't for his leg," said Hot Pie. "He was a thief in the city."
"A bad thief," Arya said, "or he wouldn't have got caught."
Gendry squinted up at the sun. "Evenfall will be the best time to sneak in. I'll go scout come dark."
"No, I'll go," Arya said. "You're too noisy."
Gendry got that look on his face.