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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "You need a boarspear to hunt boars, and horses and dogs, and men to flush the boar from its lair."
  • “你知道不?你得先有一根猎猪用的长矛,要有马儿和猎犬,还要有人帮你把野猪从窝里赶出来。”
  • Her father had hunted boar in the wolfswood with Robb and Jon.
  • 父亲以前就跟罗柏和琼恩一起在狼林里猎野猪,
  • Once he even took Bran, but never Arya, even though she was older.
  • 有一次他还带布兰去过,但从不准艾莉亚跟去,即使她年纪比布兰大。
  • Septa Mordane said boar hunting was not for ladies, and Mother only promised that when she was older
  • 茉丹修女说打猎之事不适合淑女,母亲则答应她长大以后可以养只自己的猎鹰。
  • she might have her own hawk. She was older now, but if she had a hawk she'd eat it.
  • 如今她已经长大了,但要是有只猎鹰,铁定先把它吃掉。
  • "What do you know about hunting boars?" said Hot Pie.
  • “你懂什么打野猪?”热派说。
  • "More than you."
  • “起码懂得比你多。”
  • Gendry was in no mood to hear it. "Quiet, both of you, I need to think what to do."
  • 詹德利没心情听他们吵架,“你两个都给我安静!让我想想该怎么做。”
  • He always looked pained when he tried to think, like it hurt him something fierce.
  • 他一思考便会露出痛苦不堪的神情,彷佛难受得紧。
  • "Yield," Lommy said.
  • “只有投降。”罗米说。
  • "I told you to shut up about the yielding. We don't even know who's in there. Maybe we can steal some food."
  • “我叫你别再说投降了!我们根本不知道那里的人是谁。弄不好可以偷点吃的。”
  • "Lommy could steal, if it wasn't for his leg," said Hot Pie. "He was a thief in the city."
  • “若不是罗米脚受伤,可以叫他去偷。”热派说,“他以前在城里就是小偷。”
  • "A bad thief," Arya said, "or he wouldn't have got caught."
  • “而且很差劲,”艾莉亚道,“不然就不会被抓了。”
  • Gendry squinted up at the sun. "Evenfall will be the best time to sneak in. I'll go scout come dark."
  • 詹德利抬头看看太阳,“要溜进去最好趁傍晚,等天一黑我就去瞧瞧。”
  • "No, I'll go," Arya said. "You're too noisy."
  • “不,我去,”艾莉亚说,“你太吵了。”
  • Gendry got that look on his face.
  • 詹德利又开始皱眉,


"You need a boarspear to hunt boars, and horses and dogs, and men to flush the boar from its lair." Her father had hunted boar in the wolfswood with Robb and Jon. Once he even took Bran, but never Arya, even though she was older. Septa Mordane said boar hunting was not for ladies, and Mother only promised that when she was older she might have her own hawk. She was older now, but if she had a hawk she'd eat it.

"What do you know about hunting boars?" said Hot Pie.
"More than you."

Gendry was in no mood to hear it. "Quiet, both of you, I need to think what to do." He always looked pained when he tried to think, like it hurt him something fierce.

"Yield," Lommy said.
"I told you to shut up about the yielding. We don't even know who's in there. Maybe we can steal some food."
"Lommy could steal, if it wasn't for his leg," said Hot Pie. "He was a thief in the city."
"A bad thief," Arya said, "or he wouldn't have got caught."
Gendry squinted up at the sun. "Evenfall will be the best time to sneak in. I'll go scout come dark."
"No, I'll go," Arya said. "You're too noisy."
Gendry got that look on his face.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hawk [hɔ:k]


n. 鹰,掠夺别人的人,鹰派人物
n. 清嗓<

lair [lɛə]


n. 野兽的巢穴,躲藏处

yielding ['ji:ldiŋ]


adj. 屈从的,柔顺的,生产的

flush [flʌʃ]


v. 奔流,发红,冲洗,迅速流过
n. 脸红,

yield [ji:ld]


n. 生产量,投资收益
v. 生产,屈服,投降





