Sze-ma Niu asked about perfect virtue, The Master said, "The man of perfect virtue is cautious and slow in his speech."
"Cautious and slow in his speech!" said Niu, - "is this what is meant by perfect virtue?" The Master said, "When a man feels the difficulty of doing, can he be other than cautious and slow in speaking?"
Sze-ma Niu asked about the superior man. The Master said, "The superior man has neither anxiety nor fear."
"Being without anxiety or fear!" said Nui;"does this constitute what we call the superior man?"
The Master said, "When internal examination discovers nothing wrong, what is there to be anxious about, what is there to fear?"

Sze-ma Niu, full of anxiety, said, "Other men all have their brothers, I only have not."
Tsze-hsia said to him, "There is the following saying which I have heard - Death and life have their determined appointment; riches and honors depend upon Heaven.
Let the superior man never fail reverentially to order his own conduct, and let him be respectful to others and observant of propriety,
then all within the four seas will be his brothers. What has the superior man to do with being distressed because he has no brothers?"