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万物简史(MP3+中英字幕) 第622期:冰河时代(19)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • On the other hand, the next phase of our history could see us melting a lot of ice rather than making it.
  • 另一方面,在我们历史的下一阶段,将会看到大量冰盖融化而不是大量冰盖形成。
  • If all the ice sheets melted, sea levels would rise by two hundred feet—the height of a twenty-story building—and every coastal city in the world would be inundated.
  • 如果所有的冰盖都融化,海平面将上升60米——有20层楼那么高,全世界所有沿海城市都会被淹没。
  • More likely, at least in the short term, is the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
  • 更加可能的是,至少在短期内,南极洲西部的冰盖会塌陷。
  • In the past fifty years the waters around it have warmed by 2.5 degrees centigrade, and collapses have increased dramatically.
  • 在过去50年的时间内,南极洲周围水域的温度增加了2.5摄氏度,冰盏塌陷已经大大加剧。
  • Because of the underlying geology of the area, a large-scale collapse is all the more possible.
  • 这一地区的地质构造特点使得大规模的塌陷更有可能发生。
  • If so, sea levels globally would rise—and pretty quickly—by between fifteen and twenty feet on average.
  • 一旦这种情况出现,全球海平面将平均上升——而且速度很快:4.5—6米。
  • The extraordinary fact is that we don't know which is more likely, a future offering us eons of perishing frigidity or one giving us equal expanses of steamy heat.
  • 一个明显的事实是,我们不知道未来的年代是一个严寒气候,还是一个酷热的气候。
  • Only one thing is certain: we live on a knife edge.
  • 只有一点是肯定的,我们生活在刀刃上。
  • In the long run, incidentally, ice ages are by no means bad news for the planet.
  • 顺便提一句,从长远来看,冰川期对于地球绝不是一件坏事。
  • They grind up rocks and leave behind new soils of sumptuous richness, and gouge out fresh water lakes that provide abundant nutritive possibilities for hundreds of species of being.
  • 冰川磨碎岩石,留下新的肥沃的土壤;它们开凿出淡水湖泊,为数以百计的生物种类提供丰富的养分;
  • They act as a spur to migration and keep the planet dynamic.
  • 它们推动了动植物的迁移,使得地球充满生机。
  • As Tim Flannery has remarked: "There is only one question you need ask of a continent in order to determine the fate of its people: 'Did you have a good ice age?' "
  • 正如提姆·弗兰纳里所说:“要想确定某一块陆地上的人类的命运,你只需问问那块大陆这样一个问题:‘你有过一个像样的冰川期吗?'”
  • And with that in mind, it's time to look at a species of ape that truly did.
  • 记住这一点,我们接着该看一看有一种类人猿是怎样应对这种变化的。


On the other hand, the next phase of our history could see us melting a lot of ice rather than making it. If all the ice sheets melted, sea levels would rise by two hundred feet—the height of a twenty-story building—and every coastal city in the world would be inundated. More likely, at least in the short term, is the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet. In the past fifty years the waters around it have warmed by 2.5 degrees centigrade, and collapses have increased dramatically. Because of the underlying geology of the area, a large-scale collapse is all the more possible. If so, sea levels globally would rise—and pretty quickly—by between fifteen and twenty feet on average.

The extraordinary fact is that we don't know which is more likely, a future offering us eons of perishing frigidity or one giving us equal expanses of steamy heat. Only one thing is certain: we live on a knife edge.


In the long run, incidentally, ice ages are by no means bad news for the planet. They grind up rocks and leave behind new soils of sumptuous richness, and gouge out fresh water lakes that provide abundant nutritive possibilities for hundreds of species of being. They act as a spur to migration and keep the planet dynamic. As Tim Flannery has remarked: "There is only one question you need ask of a continent in order to determine the fate of its people: ‘Did you have a good ice age?' " And with that in mind, it's time to look at a species of ape that truly did.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
underlying [.ʌndə'laiiŋ]


adj. 在下面的,基本的,隐含的

incidentally [.insi'dentəli]


adv. 附带地,偶然地,顺便地

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

sumptuous ['sʌmptjuəs]


adj. 华丽的,奢侈的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

abundant [ə'bʌndənt]


adj. 丰富的,充裕的

frigidity [fri'dʒiditi]


n. 寒冷,冷淡,性冷淡

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

melted [meltid]


adj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过

dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力





