Kung-hsi Hwa said, "Yu asked whether he should carry immediately into practice what he heard, and you said, 'There are your father and elder brothers to be consulted',
Ch'iu asked whether he should immediately carry into practice what he heard, and you said, 'Carry it immediately into practice'.
I, Ch'ih, am perplexed, and venture to ask you for an explanation." The Master said, "Ch'iu is retiring and slow; therefore I urged him forward; Yu has more than his own share of energy, therefore I kept him back."
The Master was put in fear in K'wang and Yen Yuan fell behind. The Master, on his rejoining him, said, "I thought you had died." Hui replied, "While you were alive, how should I presume to die?"

Chi Tsze-zan asked whether Chung Yu and Zan Ch'iu could be called great ministers.
The Master said, "I thought you would ask about some extraordinary individuals, and you only ask about Yu and Ch'iu.
What is called a great minister, is one who serves his prince according to what is right, and when he finds he cannot do so, retires.
Now, as to Yu and Ch'iu, they may be called ordinary ministers." Tsze-zan said, "Then they will always follow their chief; - win they?"