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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1017期:美国著名哥特惊悚小说 《被跟踪的人》

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. Mr. Beresford stepped out of the candy shop with a great box under his arm and started briskly for the corner. Mr. Beresford was going to take his wife out to dinner for her birthday, he decided, and was going to see if he could get last-minute tickets to a show, taking his wife candy. It had been an exceptionally good day and Mr. Beresford walked along swiftly, humming to himself.
2. He stopped on the corner, and waved for a taxi. A man in a light hat stopped next to Mr. Beresford on the sidewalk and for a minute, in the middle of the crowd, he stared at Mr. Beresford and Mr. Beresford stared at him as people sometimes do without caring particularly what they see. What Mr. Beresford saw was a thin face under the light hat, and a small moustache. Funny-looking guy, Mr. Beresford thought. Perhaps the man thought Mr. Beresfords staring was offensive; he frowned and turned away. His candy box under his arm, Mr. Beresford decided to swallow his annoyance about the guy and, because there was no taxi in sight, take a bus home.
3. He watched the people as he walked to the bus stop. In the crowds, he suddenly saw the funny-looking guy in the light hat coming towards him quickly, as though he hated someone . . . Mr. Beresford shrugged and walked on but halfway, Mr. Beresford realized with a sort of sick shock that the man in the light hat was at his elbow, walking steadily along next to him. Mr. Beresford turned his head the other way and slowed his step. Best, Mr. Beresford decided, to avoid this man. Thinking this, Mr. Beresford turned around and walked steadily to the bus stop to catch his bus home.
4. The man in the light hat was on the corner ahead, waiting. Mr. Beresford hesitated, but then walked boldly down the street; the man in the light hat was not even watching him, but was leaning calmly against a building lighting a cigarette. Anxious, Mr. Beresford yelledTaxi!” and a taxi stopped. Mr. Beresford moved gratefully toward it. His hand was on the door handle when another hand closed over his and Mr. Beresford was aware of the light hat brushing his cheek. “Come on if youre coming,” the taxi driver said; the door was open and Mr. Beresford, resisting the push that urged him into the taxi, slipped his hand out from under the other hand and ran back to the sidewalk.
5. A bus had stopped on the corner and Mr. Beresford, no longer thinking, hurried into it. The man in the light hat sat a little ahead, between Mr. Beresford and the door. He looked around. In the bus he was riding on now there were only five people. One was the driver, one Mr. Beresford, one the man in the light hat, sitting slightly ahead of Mr. Beresford. The two others were an old lady with a shopping bag and a man who looked as though he might be a foreigner. The man in the light hat was sitting comfortably. “Getting off,” Mr. Beresford said to the driver when they approached the next stop.

6. “Cant stop in the middle of the block,” the driver said, not turning his head. “The next stop, then,” Mr. Beresford said. The bus moved rapidly on. Mr. Beresford saw a sign sayingBus Stop.” “Here,” he said. “What?” the driver said, going past. “Listen,” Mr. Beresford said. “I want to get off.” “Its O.K. with me,” the driver said. “Next stop.” “You just passed one,” Mr. Beresford said.
7. “No one waiting there,” the driver said. “Anyway, you didnt tell me in time.” “If you dont stop at the next stop,” Mr. Beresford said, “I shall smash the glass in the door and shout for help.” “What with?” the driver said. “The box of candy?” “How do you know its—” Mr. Beresford said before he realized that if he got into a conversation he would miss the next bus stop.
“刚刚那站没人等候,”司机说,“总之,你没及时告诉我你要下车。”“如果你下一站还不停车,”贝雷斯福德先生说,“我就打碎车门玻璃,然后大声呼救。”“用什么打碎玻璃?“司机问,“那盒糖果?”“你怎么知道…… ”贝雷斯福德先生说,然后突然意识到如果自己继续跟他聊下去,下一站也会错过。
8. The bus pulled to a stop in front of a bus sign; there was a group of stores. “O.K.,” the bus driver said to Mr. Beresford, “you were so anxious to get off.” The man in the light hat got off at the rear door. Mr. Beresford, standing by the open front door, hesitated and said, “I guess Ill stay on for a while.” “Last stop,” the bus driver said. “Everybody off.” Mr. Beresford got off and went directly up to the man in the light hat, standing on the sidewalk. “This is perfectly ridiculous,” he said emphatically. “I dont understand any of it and I want you to know that the first policeman I see—”
9. He stopped when he realized that the man in the light hat was looking not at him but, bored and fixedly, over his shoulder. Mr. Beresford turned and saw a policeman standing on the corner. “Just you wait,” he said to the man in the light hat, and started for the policeman. Halfway to the policeman he began to wonder again: what did he have to report? A bus that would not stop when directed to, a mysterious man in a light hatand why? Mr. Beresford realized suddenly that there was nothing he could tell the policeman: he looked over his shoulder and saw the man in the light hat watching him, and then Mr. Beresford bolted down the street.
10. He finally reached his apartment building without mishap. There was no light hat, no odd person watching for Mr. Beresford in the lobby. In the elevator, alone, with no one to see which floor button he pressed, Mr. Beresford took a long breath and began to wonder if he had dreamed his wild trip home.
11. “Youre terribly late, darling,” his wife said affectionately when he entered his apartment. “But whats the matter?” He looked at her; she was wearing her blue dress and that meant she knew it was her birthday and expected him to take her out; he handed her the box of candy limply and she took it, hardly noticing in her anxiety over him. “What on earth has happened?” she asked. “Darling, come in here and sit down. You look terrible.”
12. He let her lead him into the living room, into his own chair, and lay back. “Are you sick? Were you in an accident? What has happened?” He sighed deeply and said, “Nothing. Nothing wrong. Tell you in a minute.” “Wait,” she said. “Ill get you a drink.” He put his head back against the soft chair as she went out. Unconsciously, he focused to hear his wife dial a number on the telephone in the hall. She dialled and waited. Then: “Listen,” she said, “listen, he came here after all. Ive got him.”
她带他进到起居室,坐在他自己的椅子上,然后向后躺下。“你生病了吗?你出事了吗?发生了什么事?“他深深地叹了口气,说:“没什么,没发生什么。一分钟后告诉你怎么回事。”“等等,”她说,“我给你拿点儿喝的去。” 他把头靠在了柔软的椅子背上,与此同时她走出了房间。不知不觉中,他的注意力被她妻子在大厅里拨打电话的声音吸引了——她拨通了那个号码,等待着,然后对着听筒说道:“听着,听着,他终究还是回来了,我已经看好他了。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

offensive [ə'fensiv]


adj. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

mishap ['mis.hæp]


n. 不幸之事,灾祸,恶运

swallow ['swɔləu]


n. 燕子,吞咽,一次吞咽的量
vt. 吞下,



adv. 感激地;感谢地

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

bolted [bəutid]


adj. 用螺栓固定的 动词bolt的过去式和过去分词

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障





