Level: upper-intermediate
Alex的美剧推荐:Agents of Shields 神盾局特工
TV series 电视连续剧
Quiz Julie:
1. Some person that can travel in time: time traveler 时间旅行者
2. What can we use to travel through time?
Time machine 时空机器
3. 如果有外星人占领一个地方,我们可以怎么说?
Aliens occupied【占领】/colonized【殖民】 the land of ...
4. 超能力:super power
5. 超人有什么能力呢?Alex下定决心让此题超越语言学习的范畴……
They can fly, they can go invisible all of a sudden anytime they like, they can click their cloak【斗篷】 and change their clothes... 【Julie显然超人电影看得有点少,哈哈~】
Superman for example, he can see through things like [he has] an X-ray vision 【透视眼】 and also he has super strength【超大的力气】so he can lift very heavy things up.
6. 说出三个跟太空有关的单词:
The Solar System 太阳系
The Galaxy 银河系
The Universe 宇宙
四维空间 four-dimensional space
What does four-dimensional space look like?
There are different theories about that but it's [four-dimensional space] all about time because some scientists believe time is not just past and future, maybe it’s in a different dimension... Some people do believe that we can travel backwards and forwards in time.
If you could have a super power, what power would you want to have?
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