Salmon Cannon Attracts Global Attention
A contraption that launches salmon to their spawning grounds has caught the attention of people across the globe. Video of the salmon cannon, developed by Whooshh Innovations, has gone viral on the Internet. The video shows the fish swimming into a tube that propels them across a dam and spits them out on the other side. Inside the flexible tube, the fish are misted with water so they can keep breathing during their journey. The cannons are an alternative to traditional fish ladders that salmon have to jump up to bypass a dam or other obstruction.
一种将三文鱼发射到产卵地的奇妙装置引起了全球范围内的注意。由Whooshh Innovations公司研发的三文鱼炮的视频在网上走红。视频显示,三文鱼会游进一根管子里,管子促使它们穿过水坝,然后再从另一边吐出来。鱼儿在穿过这个柔性管的时候会被水覆盖,这样它们就可以在旅途中保持呼吸。这种炮是传统鱼梯的替代品,如果使用传统的鱼梯,三文鱼必须得跳到梯子上才能通过水坝或其他障碍物。