Like many counties in this region, voters here overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump in November’s election.
The county has a median per capita income of around $16,000.
It’s 97% white and 88% of the residents over 25 don’t have a college degree.
It also happens to be the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And yet these are some the Americans who have also benefitted most from Barack Obama’s signature healthcare policy--The Affordable Care Act or Obama Care.
"I'm running around with Vox, VOX.news.com and all that, and there's a news person
and he's following me around to learn about southeastern Kentucky and how the effects of the healthcare have been on us"
That’s Kathy. She works as an enrollment counselor for Obamacare, helping people sign up for the program.
Since the law was implemented in 2013, the percentage of people in this county with health insurance went from 75% up to 90%.
And Kathy has signed up a lot of those people.
"I couldn't count. I don't have the specific figure on my own. Over a thousand or something."
But here’s the curveball
"Who did you end up voting for?" "Trump"
"Real change begans with imediately repealing and replacing Obama Care."
Since Obamacare launched in 2013,
the number of lower income, less educated white Americans with insurance increased dramatically, not just in Kentucky, but nationwide.
This group benefitted disproportionately from the law.
Yet this same demographic showed up in huge numbers for Trump in November.
I went to Kentucky to talk to Kathy.
I wanted to understand why so many people would vote for a candidate who promised to repeal a program that they depend so much on.
Vox would soon be hosting an interview with President Obama and we invited Kathy to attend to share her perspective and ask a questions.
"And they invited me to the white house. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god, YES, the white house,
You've got to get on Facebook, you've really missed out on a lot of stuff."
Before going to DC, we traveled around South Eastern Kentucky, talking to Trump supporters who are also enrolled in Obamacare
We want to hear their opinions about the law and what they think the next administration will do to make it better.

"Everybody needs insurance, regardless of culture, We never know what's going on, but you also need to be able to afford it."
We landed on a couple of explanations for this Trump-Obamacare paradox.
关于“特朗普 - 奥巴马医保悖论”,我们得出了几种可能的解释。
The first is that people in Kentucky believe Trump and the GOP would never actually repeal a program that benefits over 20 million people.
“So you don't think that that, that they would actually do that?”
“No, they couldn't. That would be like... He's got children, he's smarter than that. you know what I'm saying.”
A lot of people thought Trump’s campaign rhetoric against Obamacare was all talk
and that there’s really no way he would actually repeal a program that so many are dependent on.
And it wasn’t just these Trump Voters who thought that.
I have covered the healthcare law as a journalist for about 7 years now.
It actually felt, until a few months ago, like a safe assumption
that the ACA, rolled out, covering 20 million people, that it was going to stick around.
I remember I wrote a story for Vox in 2015 and the headline was something like
"Obamacare survived its final tests and its here to stay"
Republicans were just up through the election and up after the election have just remained so committed to repealing the ACA.
A year ago, I did not expect that. I thought we were going to see a backing off of those attitudes. And I was wrong.
Many Obamacare enrollees in Kentucky, as well as policy experts and journalists all assumed that Obamacare was too widespread to be repealed.
But Congressional republicans are proving them wrong, moving as aggressively as they can to repeal it.
"Mr Ryan has said a top priority for the new congress is going to be the repeal of Obamacare."
But perhaps the stronger theory on why Obamacare beneficiaries voted for Trump
was a general dissatisfaction with the cost of the program and the believe that Trump would somehow make it better for them.
We met up with Perry, a security guard recently signed up for Obamacare.
It’s the first time he’s ever had health insurance in his life.
"I've not been to a doctor. you weren't even in this world last time I went to a doctor"
"Really?" "Yeah."
Thanks to Kathy, Perry was able to sign up at healthcare.gov just a few months ago.
But his deductible ended up being $2000.
"Unless something drastic was to happen, how many times will I have to go to the doctor, to the hospital or something before I, you know, use up over 2000 dollars,
I just wish that, if they're gonna shove it down your throat, have something that you can afford."