Latest headlines for you from BBC News.
The Trump administration is saying it may still apply trade tariffs if within six weeks it judges that Mexico hasn't done enough to limit migration to the US.
特朗普政府表示 如果在六周内美国认为墨西哥在限制移民进入美国方面做得不够 则可能仍会对墨西哥征收贸易关税
A deal agreed on Friday includes Mexico sending more troops to its southern border, the stem arrivals from Central America heading for the US border.
周五达成的一项协议包括墨西哥向南部边境增派军队 阻止来自中美洲的难民前往美国边境
The Vatican has released a new document attacking the modern understanding of gender as something more complex than a straightforward binary division of sexes.
梵蒂冈发布了一份新文件 抨击现代社会对性别的理解 称其比简单的两性二元划分更为复杂
It claims the current debate about gender identity annihilates the concept of nature and destabilizes the family.
它声称 目前关于性别认同的争论抹杀了自然的概念 破坏了家庭的稳定
And the people claiming anything other than a binary gender are just being provocative.
LGBT groups say it will encourage bigotry, hatred and violence.
LGBT群体表示 这会鼓励偏见、仇恨和暴力
Canada's Prime Minister has announced a ban on the single-use plastics that are most harmful to the environment and the oceans.
The ban on items such as straws, cutlery bags and cotton buds comes into effect in two years.