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1. When the short days of winter came, dusk fell before we had well eaten our dinners. The cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed. Our shouts echoed in the silent street. If my uncle was seen turning the corner, we hid in the shadow until he went inside. If Mangan's sister came out on the doorstep to call her brother in to his tea, we watched her from our shadow peer up and down the street looking for him. I stood by the railings looking at her. Her dress swung as she moved her body, and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side.
2. Every time she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. Often, I followed her. I kept her figure always in my eye and, when we came near the point at which our ways diverged, I quickened my pace and passed her. This happened morning after morning. I had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words. I did not know whether I would ever speak to her or not or, if I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration.
3. At last she spoke to me. When she addressed the first words to me I was so confused that I did not know what to answer. She asked me was I going to Araby. I forgot whether I answered yes or no. It would be a splendid bazaar; she said she would love to go.
4. 'And why can't you?' I asked. While she spoke she turned a silver bracelet round and round her wrist. She could not go, she said, because she had no time. 'It's well for you,' she said. 'If I go,' I said, 'I will bring you something.' What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read.
5. I asked my aunt and uncle for leave to go to the bazaar on Saturday night. My aunt was surprised, and hoped it was not some strange affair. I got their permission eventually. The following days, I answered only a few questions in class. I watched my master's face change to sternness. I could not call my wandering thoughts together. I had hardly any patience. On Saturday morning I reminded my uncle that I wished to go to the bazaar in the evening, and that I needed a ride to get there. He answered me curtly: 'Yes, boy, I know.'


6. By dinnertime my uncle had not yet been home. Still it was early. I sat staring at the clock for some time and, when its ticking began to irritate me, I left the room. I mounted the staircase to the upper part of the house. From the front window I saw my companions playing below in the street. I looked over at the dark house where she lived. I may have stood there for an hour. My aunt said: 'I'm afraid you may put off your bazaar for this night.' At nine o'clock I heard my uncle's latchkey in the hall door. He had forgotten. 'The people are in bed and after their first sleep now,' he said. I did not smile. My aunt said to him energetically: 'Can't you give him some money and let him go by train? You've kept him late enough as it is.' My uncle said he was very sorry he had forgotten. He said he believed in the old saying: 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', so I could go.
7. I held a florin tightly in my hand as I strode towards the station. After an intolerable delay the train moved out of the station slowly. I saw by the lighted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten. Half an hour later, in front of me was a large building which displayed the magical name. I found myself in a big hall. Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I walked into the centre of the bazaar timidly. A few people were gathered about the stalls which were still open.
8. Remembering with difficulty why I had come, I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets. At the door of the stall a young lady was talking and laughing with two young gentlemen. I listened vaguely to their conversation.
9. 'O, I never said such a thing!' 'O, but you did!' 'O, but I didn't!' 'Didn't she say that?' 'Yes. I heard her.' 'O, there's a' Observing me, the young lady came over and asked me did I wish to buy anything. The tone of her voice was not encouraging; she seemed to have spoken to me out of a sense of duty. I looked humbly at the great jars that stood like guards at either side of the dark entrance to the stall and murmured:
10. 'No, thank you.' The young lady changed the position of one of the vases and went back to the two young men. They began to talk of the same subject. Once or twice the young lady glanced at me over her shoulder. I lingered before her stall, though I knew my stay was useless, to make my interest in her wares seem the more real.
11. Then I turned away slowly and walked down the middle of the bazaar. I allowed the two pennies to fall against the sixpence in my pocket. I heard a voice call from one end of the gallery that the light was out. The upper part of the hall was now completely dark. Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期

vanity ['væniti]


n. 虚荣心,浮华,自负,无价值的东西

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

irritate ['iriteit]


v. 激怒,使 ... 发怒,使疼痛或发炎

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴





