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1. Who knows what got into her headShe just slipped into Shandar Cloth Store, opened the door of the show window and, after removing the lovely mannequin, assumed its pose. It was evening. The street was packed with people, but they were so preoccupied as they went their way that none of them noticed what she had just done. Why did she do it? She probably didnt know that herself.
2. True, she was something of a daredevil in her childhood. But now she was a grown young woman, a college student, smart, sophisticated, urbane. What shed just done, well, it just happened. It was entirely unpremeditated. Standing in the show window she felt a strange sense of comfort wash over her. She was now, after all, a part of this bustling marketplace.
3. An unprovoked smile came to her lips. She quite liked itstanding with one foot slightly forward - she felt she looked positively ravishing. She could stand in her new posture forever, she thought, although her knees had already begun to ache from the pressure. She was just considering easing up on her heels a bit when her eyes caught sight of a man who suddenly cut through the crowd on the sidewalk and came over to the show window and began gawking at her with eyes full of lust and wonder. His eyes seemed to say—“Incredible! These craftsmen can be so skilful! How they make statues that look like real people!”
4. As soon as he had moved away, she relaxed her feet a little. Even shook them a bit. It pleased her to think that she was now a full participant in the teeming life around her. It was a strange feeling. She had never experienced it before. “Oh God!”—the expression came from the lips of two college girls—“how lifelike!” The two girls gawked at her with admiration as they exchanged a few words among themselves, while she looked at them with tenderness. She was happy, incredibly happy. No one had looked at her with such appreciation before, at least not in her presence. Like a kind and caring queen receiving the adulation of her subjects, she sustained her regal pose until the girls had once again melted into the crowd and disappeared from view.

5. “Lets see who comes next?” she thought to herself. Her feet had again started to protest. This time around, though, she sent them a warning, a rather stern one: Scoundrels, stay put! Cant you wait even a little? She wouldnt care a hoot about their protest, she decided. She was still congratulating herself on her firm resolve when she caught sight of a cop who had just separated from the crowd, chewing tobacco from a box he held. The moment he saw her, his hand stopped dead, his mouth fell open, and his eyes widened. She stared at the cop sweetly. The cops eyelashes began to flap frantically; he rubbed the tobacco hastily and stuffing it between his lower lip and teeth practically stuck his eyes against the glass of the show window. “
6. She was overcome by a powerful urge to laugh, but managed to stop herself with the greatest difficulty. Suddenly her feet began to itch uncontrollably. There was even a slight, involuntary tremble. But the cop thought it was a mere illusion, or the effect of the tobacco, and walked onwards.
7. As soon as the cop was gone, she suddenly began to laugh, but just as suddenly, became very nervous. A young man was looking at her with perplexed eyes from across the glass. When their eyes met, he smiled. She smiled back, if only to hide her trepidation. She quickly grabbed the plastic dummy, and tried to install it, pretending to be one of the store clerks.
8. The youths eyes were still riveted on her. Arranging the sari around the mannequin she looked at the youth from the corner of her eye to see who he was looking at. His eyes lingered briefly at the plastic figure, then bounced off it and became glued to her.
9. She backed up, supremely confident, opened the door to the show window and walked out. None of the store attendants saw her leave, or if they did, she was so agile and so fast that they couldnt figure out what had happened. The doorman didnt notice, as he was busy talking to one of the sales clerks.
10. Confidently she strode away, briskly but lightly, happy and satisfied. As though shed just unloaded the entire pestering weight of her body and soul. After she had walked away some distance, she turned around and looked back. The youth was still staring at her, perhaps with wonder. She quickly turned down another street.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

bustling ['bʌsliŋ]


adj. 忙乱的;熙熙攘攘的

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地

involuntary [in'vɔləntəri]


adj. 非自愿的,无意的,不由自主的

unprovoked ['ʌnprə'vəukt]


adj. (生气等)无缘无故的

posture ['pɔstʃə]


n. 姿势,态度,情形
vt. 作 ... 姿





