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ESL美国简介(MP3+中英字幕):第158期 第一次世界大战期间谁担任总统?(2)

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  • To get money for the war, President Wilson helped the United States make billions of dollars by selling Liberty Bonds,
  • 为了筹集战争经费,威尔逊总统通过出售自由公债帮助美国筹到了数十亿美元,
  • which were pieces of paper that people bought from the government with the promise that the government would give them even more money on a certain day in the future.
  • 自由公债就是人们从政府那购得的凭条,有着政府会在未来的某一天返给他们更多钱的承诺。
  • President Wilson also started the income tax, which makes Americans pay a percentage of all the money they receive for working to the U.S. government.
  • 威尔逊总统还开始征收所得税,它让美国人上缴他们工资的一部分给美国政府。
  • As World War I ended, President Wilson became heavily (or very much) involved in the peace talks,
  • 一战结束时,威尔逊总统深入(或密切)参与了和平谈判,
  • which are discussions that should lead to the end of a war so that all countries are satisfied.
  • 也就是应该促使战争结束,使所有国家都满意的讨论。
  • He led the negotiations (or discussions where people or countries agree on what they want) with Germany
  • 他主导了与德国的谈判(或人们或国家就他们想要的东西达成一致的讨论)
  • and helped to create the peace treaties (or agreements between countries).
  • 并帮助制定了和平条约(或国家间的协议)。
  • In 1919, President Wilson received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in trying to start the League of Nations.
  • 1919年,威尔逊总统因他试图创建国际联盟的行动而获得诺贝尔和平奖。
  • The League of Nations was an international organization that was supposed to bring peace to the world and prevent other wars from being fought in the future.
  • 国际联盟是一个应该为世界带来和平并预防未来发生其他战争的国际组织。


To get money for the war, President Wilson helped the United States make billions of dollars by selling Liberty Bonds, which were pieces of paper that people bought from the government with the promise that the government would give them even more money on a certain day in the future.

President Wilson also started the income tax, which makes Americans pay a percentage of all the money they receive for working to the U.S. government.
As World War I ended, President Wilson became heavily (or very much) involved in the peace talks, which are discussions that should lead to the end of a war so that all countries are satisfied.
He led the negotiations (or discussions where people or countries agree on what they want) with Germany and helped to create the peace treaties (or agreements between countries).
In 1919, President Wilson received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in trying to start the League of Nations.
The League of Nations was an international organization that was supposed to bring peace to the world and prevent other wars from being fought in the future.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止





