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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Outside a holdfast called Briarwhite, some fieldhands surrounded them in a cornfield, demanding coin for the ears they'd taken.
  • 后来他们在一个名叫白荆庄的庄园田里采了几穗玉米,结果一群庄稼汉把他们团团围住,要他们付钱。
  • Yoren eyed their scythes and tossed them a few coppers.
  • 尤伦瞄瞄对方手中的镰刀,丢了几个铜板出去。
  • "Time was, a man in black was feasted from Dorne to Winterfell, and even high lords called it an honor to shelter him under their roofs," he said bitterly.
  • “要是以前啊,咱们黑衫军不论在多恩还是临冬城都会受到盛情款待,有黑衣弟兄来家中投宿,达官贵人都觉得荣幸。”他悻悻地说,
  • "Now cravens like you want hard coin for a bite of wormy apple." He spat.
  • “现在这些瘪三连咬两口烂苹果也要钱。”他啐了一口,
  • It's sweetcorn, better'n a stinking old black bird like you deserves, one of them answered roughly.
  • “咱们种的是甜玉米,你这臭死人的老黑鸟还不配吃咧!”一个庄汉粗声粗气地回嘴,
  • "You get out of our field now, and take these sneaks and stabbers with you, or we'll stake you up in the corn to scare the other crows away."
  • “还不快从咱们田里滚出去!顺便把你这群人渣杂碎带走,否则咱们把你叉起来吓唬你的乌鸦同胞!”
  • They roasted the sweetcorn in the husk that night, turning the ears with long forked sticks, and ate it hot right off the cob.
  • 当天晚上,他们连皮带谷烤了那些甜玉米,用几根分叉的长树枝穿过穗心,架在火上翻烤,熟了以后就直接吃。
  • Arya thought it tasted wonderful, but Yoren was too angry to eat.
  • 艾莉亚觉得美味极了,但尤伦却气得吃不下。
  • A cloud seemed to hang over him, ragged and black as his cloak.
  • 他头上似乎罩着一片乌云,像他的斗篷一样褴褛乌黑。
  • He paced about the camp restlessly, muttering to himself.
  • 他在营地里走来走去,口中念念有词。
  • The next day Koss came racing back to warn Yoren of a camp ahead.
  • 隔天,寇斯在前方发现军营,便赶回来警告尤伦。
  • "Twenty or thirty men, in mail and halfhelms," he said. "Some of them are cut up bad, and one's dying, from the sound of him.
  • “大概二三十个人,穿着锁甲和半罩盔。”他说,“有些人伤得很重,还有一个听起来快死了。
  • With all the noise he was making, I got right up close.
  • 他声音很吵,我就大着胆子凑过去看,
  • They got spears and shields, but only one horse, and that's lame.
  • 只见他们身边有矛有盾,但只有一匹马,还是跛的。
  • I think they been there awhile, from the stink of the place."
  • 我看他们待在那儿好一阵子啦,臭死人了。”


Outside a holdfast called Briarwhite, some fieldhands surrounded them in a cornfield, demanding coin for the ears they'd taken. Yoren eyed their scythes and tossed them a few coppers. "Time was, a man in black was feasted from Dorne to Winterfell, and even high lords called it an honor to shelter him under their roofs," he said bitterly. "Now cravens like you want hard coin for a bite of wormy apple." He spat. It's sweetcorn, better'n a stinking old black bird like you deserves, one of them answered roughly. "You get out of our field now, and take these sneaks and stabbers with you, or we'll stake you up in the corn to scare the other crows away."


They roasted the sweetcorn in the husk that night, turning the ears with long forked sticks, and ate it hot right off the cob. Arya thought it tasted wonderful, but Yoren was too angry to eat. A cloud seemed to hang over him, ragged and black as his cloak. He paced about the camp restlessly, muttering to himself. The next day Koss came racing back to warn Yoren of a camp ahead. "Twenty or thirty men, in mail and halfhelms," he said. "Some of them are cut up bad, and one's dying, from the sound of him. With all the noise he was making, I got right up close. They got spears and shields, but only one horse, and that's lame. I think they been there awhile, from the stink of the place."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
stinking ['stiŋkiŋ]


adj. 发恶臭的;非常讨厌的;烂醉如泥的 v. 散发出

cob [kɔb]


n. 雄天鹅;玉米穗轴;结实的矮脚马;[英]圆块 vt.

spat [spæt]


n. 贝卵,蚝卵,蚝仔 n. 鞋罩 n. 小争吵,轻打声

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

husk [hʌsk]


n. 外壳,皮,无用之物
n. 支架

demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的





