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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When the wine was poured, Lord Gyles rose to lift a cup to the king,
  • 倒酒的时候,盖尔斯大人举杯敬国王陛下,
  • and Ser Balon Swann was heard to remark, 'We'll need three cups for that.' Many laughed..."
  • 有人听到巴隆·史文爵士说:”那我们需要三个杯子。‘很多人笑了……“
  • Tyrion raised a hand. "Enough. Ser Balon made a jest. I am not interested in treasonous table talk, Lord Varys."
  • 提利昂举起手,“够了,巴隆爵士不过开开玩笑。瓦里斯大人,我对宴会席间的闲话没兴趣。”
  • You are as wise as you are gentle, my lord.
  • “大人,您不但睿智,更有度量。”
  • The parchment vanished up the eunuch's sleeve. "We both have much to do. I shall leave you."
  • 那张纸消失在太监袖子里,“我们都还有很多事要忙,我就先告辞了。”
  • When the eunuch had departed, Tyrion sat for a long time watching the candle and wondering how his sister would take the news of Janos Slynt's dismissal.
  • 太监离开之后,提利昂静坐良久,望着眼前烛光。不知姐姐对杰诺斯·史林特遭遣一事有何反应,
  • Not happily, if he was any judge, but beyond sending an angry protest to Lord Tywin in Harrenhal, he did not see what Cersei could hope to do about it.
  • 当然,她绝不会高兴,这可以想见,然而除了向远在赫伦堡的泰温公爵递交愤怒的控诉,估计她也没什么办法。
  • Tyrion had the City Watch now, plus a hundred-and-a-half fierce clansmen and a growing force of sellswords recruited by Bronn.
  • 如今提利昂不但掌握了都城守备队,一百五十个剽悍的高山族民,还要加上波隆招募的、人数正不断增加的佣兵,
  • He would seem well protected.
  • 怎么看他都应该安全无虞。
  • Doubtless Eddard Stark thought the same.
  • 想必当初艾德·史塔克也是这么以为。
  • The Red Keep was dark and still when Tyrion left the Small Hall. Bronn was waiting in his solar. "Slynt?" he asked.
  • 提利昂离开小厅时,红堡一片寂静,四下漆黑。波隆正在他的书房里等他。“史林特呢?”他问。
  • Lord Janos will be sailing for the Wall on the morning tide.
  • “杰诺斯大人明儿起早搭船去长城。
  • Varys would have me believe that I have replaced one of Joffrey's men with one of my own.
  • 瓦里斯要我相信,我把乔佛里的爪牙换成了自己的手下,
  • More likely, I have replaced Littlefinger's man with one belonging to Varys, but so be it.
  • 可在我看来,是把小指头的人换成了瓦里斯的人,不过暂时就这样吧。”


When the wine was poured, Lord Gyles rose to lift a cup to the king, and Ser Balon Swann was heard to remark, 'We'll need three cups for that.' Many laughed..."

Tyrion raised a hand. "Enough. Ser Balon made a jest. I am not interested in treasonous table talk, Lord Varys."
You are as wise as you are gentle, my lord. The parchment vanished up the eunuch's sleeve. "We both have much to do. I shall leave you."

When the eunuch had departed, Tyrion sat for a long time watching the candle and wondering how his sister would take the news of Janos Slynt's dismissal. Not happily, if he was any judge, but beyond sending an angry protest to Lord Tywin in Harrenhal, he did not see what Cersei could hope to do about it. Tyrion had the City Watch now, plus a hundred-and-a-half fierce clansmen and a growing force of sellswords recruited by Bronn. He would seem well protected.

Doubtless Eddard Stark thought the same.
The Red Keep was dark and still when Tyrion left the Small Hall. Bronn was waiting in his solar. "Slynt?" he asked.
Lord Janos will be sailing for the Wall on the morning tide. Varys would have me believe that I have replaced one of Joffrey's men with one of my own. More likely, I have replaced Littlefinger's man with one belonging to Varys, but so be it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

dismissal [dis'misəl]


n. 免职,解雇

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

candle ['kændl]


n. 蜡烛

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

jest [dʒest]


n. 说笑,玩笑 v. 开玩笑





