At the January 2000 Macworld in San Francisco, Jobs rolled out the new Macintosh operating system, OSX,
2000年1月,在旧金山的Macworld大会上,乔布斯发布了新的操作系统Mac OSX,
which used some of the software that Apple had bought from NeXT three years earlier.
It was fitting, and not entirely coincidental,
that he was willing to incorporate himself back at Apple at the same moment as the NeXT OS was incorporated into Apple's.
Avie Tevanian had taken the UNIX-related Mach kernel of the NeXT operating system and turned it into the Mac OS kernel, known as Darwin.
阿维·泰瓦尼安把NeXT操作系统中基于NIX的Mach内核转换成了Mac OS内核--也被叫做“达尔文”。
It offered protected memory, advanced networking, and preemptive multitasking.
It was precisely what the Macintosh needed, and it would be the foundation of the Mac OS henceforth.
这正是麦金塔需要的操作系统,而且也为后来的Mac OS系统奠定了基础。
Some critics, including Bill Gates, noted that Apple ended up not adopting the entire NeXT operating system.
There's some truth to that, because Apple decided not to leap into a completely new system but instead to evolve the existing one.

Application software written for the old Macintosh system was generally compatible with or easy to port to the new one,
and a Mac user who upgraded would notice a lot of new features but not a whole new interface.
The fans at Macworld received the news with enthusiasm, of course,
and they especially cheered when Jobs showed off the dock and how the icons in it could be magnified by passing the cursor over them.
But the biggest applause came for the announcement he reserved for his "Oh, and one more thing" coda.
He spoke about his duties at both Pixar and Apple, and said that he had become comfortable that the situation could work.
"So I am pleased to announce today that I'm going to drop the interim title," he said with a big smile.
The crowd jumped to its feet, screaming as if the Beatles had reunited.
Jobs bit his lip, adjusted his wire rims, and put on a graceful show of humility.
"You guys are making me feel funny now.
I get to come to work every day and work with the most talented people on the planet, at Apple and Pixar.
But these jobs are team sports. I accept your thanks on behalf of everybody at Apple."