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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

We instinctively use the lessons of European history to explain Asia’s future,


and it is incredibly difficult to make the argument that we should look at Asia’s history if we want to understand where Asia is going to go in the future.

如果你说要了解亚洲的未来就应该去研究亚洲的历史 就会遭到所有人的抨击

The most common way that we think about power transitions in international relations

在国际关系的力量转变中 我们最常见的想法就是

is to look at a war between Sparta and Athens from 2500 years ago—the Peloponnesian War in ancient Greece.


There, a rising power caused fear in a declining power and they ended up inevitably fighting.

当时 一支崛起的力量让另一支走向衰落的力量感到了恐惧 最后他们难以避免地开了战

Thucydides wrote about this in his famous History of the Peloponnesian War,


and almost ever since then what IR scholars and international relation scholars and historians have done

几乎是从那以后 IR学者和国际关系学者以及历史学家

is used the example of the Peloponnesian War as the most foundational way in which we think about rising powers:


“Rising powers are inevitably ambitious. Declining powers are inevitably fearful and they always clash at some point.”

“崛起的力量必定都野心勃勃 衰落的力量难免会心生忌惮 他们总会在某个时刻产生碰撞”


Well, when we get to modern China today the example seems to fit perfectly, which is:

如果我们看看当代的中国 这个例子似乎用得恰到好处 也就是:

China is a rising power, it’s very ambitious;


America is a declining power, it’s very fearful;


and so at some point there’s almost an inevitable chance that the two are going to come into conflict.

所以在某个时刻 这两个国家会无可避免地出现冲突

And in fact you hear this over and over again.

其实 这种理论大家已经听了无数遍

And yet in a way—isn’t it weird to think about a primitive infantry battle between two Greek villages from 2500 years ago


that would have any implications for what contemporary modern China, how they’re going to behave today?

来比喻如今的现代中国会怎么做 会有什么表现 不是很怪异吗?

I mean in a way it seems like quite a stretch.

在一定程度上 这也过于牵强了吧

And in many cases I think that simply taking the lessons of history in this way

在很多情况下 单纯地用这种方式吸取历史教训

biases us towards looking towards conflict in ways I don’t think actually are necessarily going to play out,

会让我们在看待冲突时产生偏见 我觉得这些冲突并不一定就会发生

particularly in contemporary East Asia.


That is, what we do, is we always take European history as the sum of all things,

也就是说 我们所做的就是把欧洲历史当成万物的标准

and somehow what happened—again, 2500 years ago in ancient Greece—


is going to predict what’s going to happen in modern East Asia.


And I don’t think that’s the case at all, especially when we look at how East Asian history worked.

我觉得根本不是这样 如果我们看一下东亚的历史 就更觉如此了

If we were to take East Asia on its own terms instead of using Europe to explain Asia—why don’t we look at East Asia?

如果我们只是单独从东亚的角度出发 不要用欧洲去解释东亚——为什么不单独研究一下东亚呢?

And if we took it on its own terms


one thing that we would find is that first of all China is not really rising; China has always been big!

就会发现 首先 中国并不是在崛起;中国有史以来就是那么辽阔!

Sometimes it goes into a period of decline and then it comes back, and this is more return than a rise,

有时候它会走一段下坡路 然后又会回升 如今的中国更像是回归而不是崛起

so it’s not anything new to the countries in the region.


In many ways what happens is: China’s dominance,

在很多方面都是:几百年来 中国的统治

China’s massive size has been a fact of life in East Asia for literally centuries, so this is nothing new.

中国辽阔的疆域在东亚都是个事实 这并不新奇

So it’s not at all clear to me that we should view this as a “rising power”


any more than we would view the United States as a “potentially rising power.”


The other problem is if we use East Asian history

另一个问题是 如果我们利用东亚的历史

one of the biggest lessons we would learn from East Asian history


is that the dangers that arise to countries in the region are almost always internal, not external.


So even for rising and declining powers, the fears or the threats, they are as much domestic as they are internal.

所以对崛起和衰落的力量而言 那些恐惧和威胁都来自国内

So almost every single one of China’s dynasties over the centuries,

所以这几百年来 几乎中国的每个朝代

the Tang, the Ming, almost all of them fell because of internal rebellion.

唐 明 几乎所有朝代都是因为内部反抗而衰落

If I'm a Chinese leader today I'm as worried as much about internal issues as with external issues.

如果我是当今中国的领导人 我对内部问题的担忧程度不会少于外部

And in fact one thing we know is that China spends more on internal security than it does on external defense.

其实 我们知道的一点是中国在内部安全上的开支要高于外部防御

So even now it’s not clear that China’s ambitions are all directed outwards,


they’re probably just as concerned about internal.


If we look at the United States, if we were to take it the lessons from East Asian history and say

如果我们看看美国 如果我们看看东亚历史上的教训 就会说

“Wow, instead of the inevitable war that Thucydides wrote about,

“哇哦 并不会发生修西得底斯所写的战争

what if we were worried about the lessons from East Asian history,


which is the Japanese shoguns all fail from internal rebellion,


Korean, Vietnamese dynasties almost all fell from internal rebellion as well?

韩国 越南王朝几乎都是因为内部反抗而衰落 那我们该怎么办呢?

So what would the lesson for today be?


Self-inflicted wounds in both the United States and China may matter more than any titanic struggle between them.


And in fact if I was to look at the United States today

说实话 如果让我看看如今的美国

the challenges that we face are far more internal than they are from China.


Yes, China and the United States haven’t worked out a totally stable equilibrium.

没错 中美双方还没有实现完全的稳定平衡

We have things at the margins we have to deal with.


Maybe some uninhabited rocks in the South China Seas, maybe some trade disputes,

或许是中国南海一些无人居住的岛屿 或许是一些贸易争端

but those are not things that are going to lead to a titanic struggle for global dominance,


and I don’t see any war between China and the United States along those lines.


But I do see huge issues in China itself from internal security, to environmental issues, to a rapidly aging population.

但我确实看到中国的内部安全有很大问题 还有环境问题 迅速老龄化的人口问题

And frankly I see just as many issues in the United States as well.

坦白来说 我在美国也看到了同样多的问题

If we look at the threats that are facing the United States: it’s a deeply divided country,


it’s a massively underinvested infrastructure whether it’s our transportation or our education,

基础设施投资严重不足 交通和教育都是如此

and in many ways the issues we face today are much more internal than external.

在很多方面 我们如今面临的内部问题都要大于外部问题

So if I was to say “What do I think about the future of U.S. / China,”


I would say it’s much more about scoring an “own goal” than it is about any kind of massive battle between the two countries.


Europe isn’t the measure of all things, and if there’s different examples or different experiences in East Asia

欧洲并不是万物的标尺 如果东亚有不同的例子或不同经验

and if they have different implications for the present or the future then we ought to take it seriously.

如果东亚有对现在和未来不同的暗示 那我们应该认真对待

And in many ways that’s what I think—people like myself, that’s our task.

我是这么想的 像我这样的人 这是我们的任务

Our task is to try and show, understand East Asian history without making a cartoon out of it,

我们的任务就是弄懂东亚的历史 而不是把它当玩笑

without making a caricature out of it but taking it seriously.

不要把它当成漫画 要认真对待

And if some things are the same then fine, and if some things are different then we need to point them out.

如果有些东西是一样的 那很好 如果有些地方不一样 那我们要把它指出来

And this goes back to really an important theoretical point or a point about how we think about the world,

这就回到了一个非常重要的理论点上 或者说是我们对世界的看法

which is that in many cases local knowledge about situations is as important as any kind of broad theory about the way the world inevitably works.

也就是在很多情况下 地方性知识跟这个世界的必然运作方式的广义理论一样重要

And we want to know both, we want to have some good theories,

我们两者都要掌握 我们需要一些优秀的理论

but we also really want to make sure that those theories apply to the region.


And only with having that kind of knowledge can you really take East Asia on its own term.

只有掌握了这些知识 你才能站在东亚的角度去看待问题

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

internal [in'tə:nəl]


adj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的

rebellion [ri'beljən]


n. 谋反,叛乱,反抗

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

equilibrium [.i:kwi'libriəm]


n. 平衡,均衡

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的

inevitably [in'evitəbli]


adv. 不可避免地

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数





