57.When must all men register for the Selective Service?
Answer: At age eighteen (18);Between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26)
Explanation: In the United States, military service (or the time spent working in the army) is voluntary (or optional and something that one chooses to do).
Under normal conditions, no one has to serve in the army if he or she doesn't want to.
However, all men between the ages of 18 and 26 must register (or sign up for) the Selective Service, which is a part of the U.S. government that tries to find enough people to fight in a war or other national emergency (or a major problem that was not expected).
The Selective Service keeps a list of names of all the men who are registered for the Selective Service.
If there is a war or another national emergency, the Selective Service will have a draft, which means that names are chosen at random (or with all of the names having an equal chance of being selected) to find out who will fight.
We say that the people whose names are picked have been drafted for the war.