They bring their decision back to the judge (or the person who manages the trial and courtroom) and he or she decides what your punishment will be (or how much money you will have to pay or how long you will be in jail for what you have done).
American citizens have the responsibility to serve on a jury.
We call this jury duty and it begins when you get a letter in the mail summoning you (or telling you to come) to jury duty.
Then you go to the court on the date stated (or written) in the letter.
Many other people who were also summoned go to the court that same day.
If you are selected for jury duty, then you have to watch the whole trial.
Employers (or the people or company that you work for) give their employees time off (or permission to not come to work) for jury duty.
Usually jury duty lasts only a few days, but if you are put on a very long and difficult trial, it can last weeks or even months.
Since people in most states are paid only a very small amount of money by the court to be on jury duty, some people try to avoid (or not serve on) jury duty.
But if everyone avoided jury duty, we wouldn't have enough people to decide cases.
So serving on a jury is an important duty (or responsibility).