President Reagan's former National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, and four other Americans may have visited Tehran recently on a secret diplomatic mission.
Today, on the seventh anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Thran, Iran Speaker of the Parliament said the visiting Americans were held for five days before being expelled from the country.
NPR was unable to reach Mr. McFarlane today for comment and the White House says that it can neither confirm nor deny the story.
NPR's Elizabeth Colton reports.
Today in Tehran, Speaker of the Parliament, Hashami Rafsanjani took the occasion to tell a rally that President Reagan had recently sent personal envoys to Iran, calling for improvement of relations.
In response to the American overtures, Rafsanjani announced that Iran will advise its friends in Lebanon,
in other words the hostage takers, to free US and French hostages if Israel frees Lebanese prisoners,
and if the American and French governments end their hostility to the revolutionary government of Iran.
Rafsanjani then reportedly described for the tens of thousands outside his parliament, the visit of the five American emissaries.
The Iranian said they flew in, posing as the flight crew of a plane bringing American military spare parts to Iran from Europe.
The US envoys reportedly carried Irish passports, now said to be held by Iranian officials.
And one of the men called himself McFarlane.
And according to Rafsanjani, he looked exactly like President Reagan's former National Security Advisor.
Rafsanjani claimed that Iranian security officials also have a tape of telephone conversations between the American President and his envoys.
The Iranian cleric, Rafsanjani, said the five men were confined to a hotel for five days and later deported after Ayatollah Khomeini advised Iranian officials not to meet them or receive their message.
Rafsanjani said the Americans had brought a Bible signed by President Reagan and a key-shaped cake which they said was the symbol of the hope of reopening US-Iran relations.

In Tehran today, at the ceremony marking the anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy, Parliamentary Speaker Rafsanjani described the visit by the American emissaries ad a sign of Washington's helplessness.
The White House said it would neither confirm nor deny the reports, because according to the press office,
there are certain matters pertaining to efforts to try to release to hostages, and comments might jeopardize them.
Robert McFarlane, who was also a frequent political commentator for NPR's morning edition, has been unavailable for comment.
I am Elizabeth Colton in Washington.