A normal American wouldn't have time to read all of those bills and find out how his or her representative is voting.
That would be a full-time job!
Fortunately, many organizations try to gather (or collect) this information, summarize it (or say the most important ideas in fewer words), and share that information with voters, so that they can make informed decisions.
Some groups provide biographical information (or information about a person's life) about representatives, as well as their voting records (or a list of how a person has voted on all decisions during a certain period of time).
People can quickly read this information to determine how well their representative is representing them.
The website for the U.S. House of Representatives provides the roll call votes, or lists of how representatives have voted over time.
However, the other organizations make this information easier to understand, because they also explain what the votes mean for each bill and show changes in a representative's votes over time.
Many people study the voting records published by these organizations before they decide who they want to vote for.