Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid.
嗨,我是 Rebecca,来自engVid。
In this lesson, you're going to start using the present perfect tense right away in an easy way.
Now, a lot of students get a little bit scared of using the present perfect tense, but you don't have to be, especially after this lesson.
I think you'll find an easy way to use it, and a reason to use it. Okay?
So, first of all, just very quickly: What's the present perfect tense?It sounds like this.
It sounds like: "I have skated." or "I have flown." Right?So, what does that mean?
When I say: "I have skated many times in my life."
It means that at some time in the past, I did something and it's still true today. Okay?
So just as we can talk about things that we have done in our lives...For example: "I have seen that movie.""I have read that book." Correct?
The same way, you can also talk about what you have never done, because I'm sure that there are some things that you've never done, just like there are some things I've never done.
So, we can use the present perfect to describe these actions as well.So, I'll show you what I mean? Okay?
There are many good examples on the board.So, let's look at this.
So, for example, with that sentence that I gave you at the beginning:"I have skated many times in my life."
Now, actually, that's not true.I have never skated, okay?
Even though I live in Canada, I have never skated.
So, that is how we can use the present perfect tense with the word "never".So, "skated" is a regular verb.
那么,这就是我们如何用单词 "never" 搭配现在完成时。那么,"skated" 是一个规则动词。
Regular verb means that in the past tense we add a "d" or an "ed".
规则动词的意味着其过去时态要加一个 "d",或者 "ed"。
"Flown" is an irregular verb, so when we use it with the present perfect, we use the past participle.
"Flown" 是一个不规则动词,所以当我们把它用于现在完成时,我们要用过去分词。
There's usually like a third form, there's a long list, you kind of have to learn by heart, when you're in school, when you're learning the present perfect,
and you can practice it here because you'll see many examples that I've written for you on the board.
So, here, we put the word "never" just before this last verb. Okay?
那么,这里,我们把 "never" 放在结尾的动词前,对吧?
So: "I have never skated.""I have never flown." Okay?What do I mean by "flown"?
也就是:“我从没滑过雪。”“我从没坐过飞机。”对吧?"flown" 是什么意思?
So, for example, flown by airli-...By air.That's not true.In my case, I have travelled.
But there are many people in the world who have never had a chance to travel by air, so they...
That person could say:"I have never flown by air." Okay?All right.
So, let's look at many examples so you'll understand how to say something like this.
So, here I've got all the subjects, here we have the word "never", and here we have many regular verbs, and here, many irregular verbs.
这里我列出了所有的主语,这里我们有单词 "never",这边我们列了很多规则性动词,而这边是不规则动词。
So let's make a lot of different sentences so you can hear the pattern of this type of sentence, as well as understanding the grammar of it.
So, here we have the subject: "I've".What is "I've"?"I've" is short for "I have". Right?
这里我们用主语:"I've"。什么是 "I've"?"I've" 是 "I have" 的缩写。对吧?
But when we are speaking in conversational English, usually we don't say: "I have never flown." or "I have never eaten..."
但在英语对话中,我们通常不说:"I have never flown." 或者 "I have never eaten..."
No. We just say: "I've". Okay?So that's a contraction.
All of these are contractions that we use in regular conversational English.
So, let's make some sentences, now."I've never visited China." Okay?
So, here, we had the subject, the word "never", the verb, regular verb, past tense form, and some more information.
这里,我们有主语,单词 "never",动词,规则性动词,过去式,还有其他一些信息。
Right? "I've never visited China.""You've never talked to him before.""So why are you talking to him now?"Somebody might say. Okay.
"We've never tried Korean food.""They've never played so well."Let's say you're talking about a team, a sports team. Okay?
"He's never worked so much.""She's never lived alone." Okay?I'm going to give you this last one in a...In a few minutes.
Let's take some of this...These examples, here.These are with irregular verbs. Right?
"I've never felt so happy.","You've never heard their music.""We've never eaten there before."
There, probably a restaurant.Right? "They've never seen that movie.""He's never slept so late."
"She's never written to me before." Okay?So, you see that with all of these subjects, we can use the word "never" very easily.All right?
“她以前没给我写过信。”对吧?那么你看我们可以很容易地用单词 "never" 搭配所有这些主语。对吧?
You're using present perfect, you're using "never" to talk about something that not at one time in your life have you done before.
你会用现在完成时,你会用 "never" 谈论一些你生命中一次都未做过的事。
So let's see how to use it now with "It's". Okay?What kind of sentences can we make with that?
那么我们现在来看看如何用 "never" 搭配 "It's",好吗?我们用它们可以造什么样的句子?
Let's say, for example: "It's never rained so heavily."Now, sometimes we use the word "before". Okay?
我们说,例如:“之前从未下过这么大的雨。”有时候我们会用到单词 "before",对吧?
Or you can just say: "It's never rained so heavily.Wow. Look at...Look at the weather, it's never rained so heavily."
Or: "It's never rained so heavily before."It means in all the time in the past till now.That's present perfect.
It's always talking about all the time in the past, including now.Or: "It's never snowed so hard." Okay?
So, here's one example.Another example: "It's never taken me so long to drive home."
For example.That's an irregular verb, here, "taken".
Or, as you can say, I hope you'll say: "It's never been so easy to learn English." Okay?
So, if you'd like to practice this, please go to our website: www. engvid. com.
那么,如果你想要练习的话,请登录我们的网站:www. engvid. com.
There, you can do a quiz on this and many other topics in English.
And also, if you would like to get regular lessons to improve your English much faster, subscribe to my YouTube channel.Okay? Thanks for watching.Bye for now.
同时,如果你想要正规的训练课程来快速提高英语的话,订阅我的 YouTube 频道。好吗?感谢观看。再见。