This episode is sponsored by Rachel ray Nutrish, natural food for cats.
Almost the whole animal kingdom is fabulously gay and that's just great.
Here are four animals that aren't Here are four animals that aren't
总共有四类动物天生如此 它们对此也并不担心
Number one, penguins.
第一 企鹅
There have been several notable same sex penguin couples observed in captivity.
历史上有几对著名的 在人工饲养中观测到的同性恋企鹅
One couple, Roy and Silo, met in 1998 at New York City Central Park Zoo.
一对是 罗伊和西洛 发现于1998年纽约中心公园
They created a nest together and tried to hatch a rock like an egg.
它们共筑爱巢 并且把一块石头当作蛋来孵化
Zoo keepers then gave them a real egg to try.
Roy and Silo turned out to be great parents and raised a baby girl named Tango.
But have since separated.
It can't always work out.
Number two, dolphins.
第二 海豚
In 2012, researchers from Dartmouth University studied 120 bottle nosed dolphins in Australia and declared that they were all extensively bisexual.
2012年 达特茅斯大学研究发现澳大利亚的鼻瓶海豚 并且表明 它们普遍拥有双重“性”格
And sometimes exclusively homosexual.
Their social lives are very complex.
If females are scarce, males will form a group together, and sexually satisfy themselves.
如果缺乏雌雄 雄性会组成一个团体满足自己的性需求
Number three, bonobos.
第三 倭矮猩猩
Bonobos are some of the closest primate relatives to humankind.
They are very communal animals and they like to diffuse social tension with sex.
它们是群居动物 以及它们趋向于在性方面传播社会张力(是指社会系统在运行和变迁过程中,由于结构失调或人们的无序互动导致的紧张状态以及由此产生的种种社会冲动力量。)
Nearly all of them are bi and a majority of homosexual activity is between the females.
它们大多是双性恋 但大多数的同性性行为发生于雌行中间
Number four, swans.
第四 天鹅
Some researchers estimate that one in five black swan pairings are between two males.
一些研究者判断 黑天鹅五对里面有一对伴侣是两只雄性
Unless we're talking about the movie, in that case it's between two females.
除非我们讨论的是电影 在此情况下就是两个女性了
The male couple will steal a female's nest.
Or they will form a threesome with a female for a short time just to get the fertile eggs from her.
Then they kick her out.
The couple can remain together for years and often ensure a better survival rate for their stolen offspring.
How many of these animals surprised you?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.
And while you're at it, be sure to check out
观看此视频的同时 仔细观察
these three animals that have amazingly accurate aim.
Be sure to subscribe and I'll see you next time.
确保你能描述它们 下次见啰
Thanks again to Rachel Ray Nurtish for sponsoring this episode.
再次感谢‘瑞秋 雷 猫咪的天然食物’的赞助