Voice 1: But Elie Wiesel is not just a writer. He is also an activist. He has spent the rest of his life working for peace. He has defended refugees from Cambodia, victims of mass killing in Africa, and many more groups of people.
Voice 3: "I always try to listen to the victim... If I remain silent, I may help my own spirit but because I do not help other people, I poison my spirit. Silence never helps the victim."
Voice 2: In 1986, Elie received the Nobel Peace Prize. He won it for opposing hate, violence and oppression against people of any race.
Voice 1: Because of Elie's work, many peoples' lives have been changed. This world is a better place because Elie chose to work for peace instead of keeping silent.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201708/518934.shtml