Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, as the kids call them,
seem to be everywhere these days, from Super Bowl ads to talk shows.
它似乎无处不在 从超级碗广告到脱口秀节目无处不在
They claim to help people quit smoking, or at least provide a safer alternative to cigarettes.
电子香烟声称会帮助人们离开香烟 或者至少是提供了一个更安全的选择
See, your average cigarette is filled with tobacco, which is the leaves of tobacco plants prepared with some chemicals.
普通的香烟用烟叶制成 烟叶是用一些化学剂培植的 烟草植物的叶子
When you burn tobacco, you're inhaling thousands of compounds, including some that are toxic, or addictive like nicotine.
当烟草燃烧的时候 你会吸入大量的混合物质 有些是有毒的 有些会使人上瘾 像尼古丁这样的东西
E-cigs, on the other hand, are battery-powered and turn a chemical mixture, or e-liquid, into a vapor that you inhale.
另一方面 电子香烟是用电池供电的 里面是化学混合物 当你吸烟时 在香烟里的液体就会变成蒸气释放出来
But are they really better for you than cigarettes?
Turns out, there's not much conclusive research about e-cigs,
so we still don't really know how they could affect human health.
所以我们仍然不知道 电子香烟会怎么样影响人类的健康
When you turn on an e-cigarette, a small, metal coil warms up and heats the e-liquid,
当你点燃一支香烟时 电子香烟里的金属线圈就会发热然后加热液体
turning it into a vapor that you inhale through a mouthpiece.
当你吸入的时候 电子液体就会变成蒸汽释放出来
The original e-cigs were developed around 2002 or 2003, and mimicked the size and shape of cigarettes.
电子香烟最初出现并发展是在2002年或2003年 电子香烟是模仿真实香烟的大小和形状制作的
But now there are vaporizers, vape pens, or vape mods, which are larger devices with different features,
但是现在有蒸馏器 可以吐雾或者时尚好看的具有不同特征的电子香烟
such as adjustable power levels for more or less vapor and adjustable flavor intensity with each puff.
例如可以调节电力强度去释放烟雾 调节每一次喷烟的强度
E-liquids usually have three main ingredients:
There's propylene glycol, a chemical used in food and cosmetics to keep them moist;
artificial flavorings, like menthol or bubble gum; and sometimes nicotine.
人造调味品——像薄荷醇或者泡泡糖 偶尔有尼古丁
the Since e-cigs only vaporize a few ingredients,
they're supposedly a safer alternative to smoking tobacco, which produces lots of toxic chemicals.
所以它们可能会是一个很好的代替烟草制品的选择 毕竟烟草制品会释放大量有毒的化学物质
But the research is complicated – most studies aren't conclusive, and sometimes they contradict each other.
但是调查是复杂的——很多研究都不是决定性的 甚至他们互相否定
In the United States, the FDA didn't begin regulating e-cigs until this August,
在美国 食品及药物管理局直到八月份才开始监管电子香烟
so there have been concerns about quality.
For example, Multiple studies from 2012 to 2016, found that tiny metal particles could
例如 在2012年到2016年许多研究发现
break off from some heating coils when they get hot.
Over time, inhaling those metal particles could damage someone's lungs.
There were also concerns about the quality of e-liquids – like, before they were regulated,
在它们被监管之前 也有人担心电子液体的质量问题
nicotine was sometimes found in products that claimed to be nicotine-free.
You might have even heard that e-liquids contain an ingredient in antifreeze called diethylene glycol,
which is toxic to humans. That's actually a myth.
二甘醇对人体是有害 但是这实际上是一个虚构的事情
In 2009, the FDA did study two companies' e-cigarette products, and found this chemical in one e-liquid sample.
在2009年食品及药物管理局调查了两家公司的电子香烟 他们在一份电子液体的样品中发现了这种化学物质
But the findings haven't been replicated since,

so it's likely that this sample was just contaminated from another source.
Regardless, the new FDA regulations will monitor the quality of coils and e-liquids,
不管怎么样 食品及药物管理局出台了新规去监管线圈和电子液体的质量
the EU adopted similar safety requirements in 2014,
and health organizations from other countries will probably follow suit.
But we still don't know much about their long-term effects,
because e-cigarettes haven't been around long enough for detailed studies.
Take the e-liquid ingredient propylene glycol.
Even though the FDA declares it safe in food and cosmetics,
we don't know what happens in the long-term when you breathe it in.
One 2015 study from the New England Journal of Medicine reported that
heating propylene glycol could potentially produce formaldehyde-releasing agents,
which are chemicals that could become formaldehyde as they break down.
If you did dissections in high school biology,
you might remember formaldehyde as that smelly chemical that preserves dead bodies.
你可能会记得 甲醛是一种用于保存尸体的化学剂
And extended exposure to formaldehyde vapor leads to an increased risk of cancer.
Then again, we don't know if these chemicals in e-cigarettes have the same health effects as exposure to pure formaldehyde.
我们不知道当我们吸入纯甲醛时 这些化学剂是否对我们的身体 有相同的影响
And we don't even know for sure that heating propylene glycol with e-cigarette coils creates
因为调查没有重复进行 所以我们不能确切地知道
these formaldehyde-releasing agents, because the study hasn't been repeated.
随着电子线圈的加热 加热丙二醇是否会释放出甲醛
One of the reasons it's so hard to study the health effects of e-cigs is
because the research methods that scientists use to study cigarettes don't transfer that well.
To understand the chemicals in cigarette smoke, for example,
scientists can use machines that simulate how often a smoker takes a puff and how much smoke they inhale.
科学家可以用机器模拟 吸烟者多久会吸一口烟和他们的吸入量
But with customizable vape pens, different studies have been using different vaporizers, power settings, and e-liquids.
但是对于定制的vape笔 不同的研究用不一样的蒸馏器 电源设置 和电子液体
So it's hard to compare results, and no one knows exactly how much vapor the average user breathes in.
所以对比不同研究结果是很艰难的 以及没有人确切地知道 普通使用者会吸入多少蒸气
Also, scientists have learned how the chemicals in tobacco smoke interact with our bodies:
These chemicals react with compounds in certain cells, cause lung damage,
and leave behind byproducts that turn up in hair or urine.
Unfortunately, right now, no one knows what cellular components the e-liquid ingredients
不幸的是 现在没人知道电子液体成分的反应与细胞成分有什么关系
might be reacting with, and what byproducts might be created.
Like I said, it's complicated.
就好像我说的那样 它是复杂的
Now, the health risks of e-cigarettes might be inconclusive, but can they at least help smokers quit?
现在关于电子香烟对身体的风险也没有确切的结论 但是至少可能会帮助他们 停止吸烟
There are plenty of anecdotal success stories, which is awesome!
我们可以听到很多令人敬畏 有趣的用电子香烟戒烟成功的故事
Except there's not really conclusive, scientific evidence to prove e-cigarettes help –
lots of different studies say different things.
One study published in the journal Addiction tracked nearly 6000 British cigarette-smokers between 2009 and 2014.
在杂志上的一篇报告指出在2009年到2014年 英国有将近6000个吸烟者
They found that more people who used e-cigs quit smoking altogether than those who used
over-the-counter aids like patches or gum, or no aids at all.
But a similar study in 2013 from the journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research saw the opposite
in nearly 3000 Americans who called smoking quitline services.
They surveyed these people seven months later, and reported that e-cigarette users were less likely to quit smoking.
他们在七个月后进行跟踪调查 发现使用电子香烟戒烟的人 更不愿意停止吸烟
It's possible that e-cigs could be helpful because people think they are,
which is something we call the placebo effect.
Ultimately, though, there's just a lot we don't know about the science of e-cigarettes.
最后 尽管我们不知道电子香烟中的科技
As scientists do more rigorous, repeatable, large-scale research, we're hoping to find some more answers.
当科学家做更多严密的 反复的 大规模的调查后 我们希望可以发现答案
But right now, it's only safe to say that we really don’t know how safe they are.
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