Okay. Let's talk about this book. No more funny stuff.
好的 让我们来聊聊这本书吧 不要再和我开玩笑了
No more funny stuff. Only heartbreaking and funny stuff.
不会再和你开玩笑的 只有让你痛心的事 还有好笑的事情
The book really is. I texted you.
这本书其实 我发过短信给你
I was on page two, and I texted you saying- I can't read.
当我看到第二页的时候 我发短信跟你说 我读不下去了
When is it coming out on audio book? More pictures. It's really so well written.
有声书什么时候能出版?等照片多一点的时候 这本书写得真的很好
I mean that doesn't surprise me, you're a writer and you're a brilliant writer.
这并不令我惊讶 因为你本来就是名作家而且是一名很杰出的作家
It's so well written and in case people don't know your life, 2012, right?
这本书真的写的很好 怕大家不是很了解你 (你写的是)2012年的生活 对吗?
Was the year that everything kind of happened if you'll just explain.
那一年发生了很多事 你给我们解释解释
Yes. In 2012, I had pneumonia and then I contracted this potentially
是的 那是2012年 我得了肺炎 我感染了这个可能会致死的
deadly illness called C. Diff., where bacteria just eats your insides.
病叫C扩散 就是细菌会侵蚀你的身体
And then my mother died suddenly, accidentally, and
我妈妈也突然去世了 很意外地去世了
then I went through a break up and then I was diagnosed with invasive cancer.
那一年我分手了 同时也被诊断为浸润性癌症
This was all in four months.
And so the book just is raking through all those moments,
because I put out an album and there's also a documentary about that time period.
虽然 我还做了一本相册 而且也有一部关于那段时光的纪录片
But I felt like both of those were just skeletons of that time.
但我总觉得 这些那些记录都是没有灵魂的 像个骷髅一样
And this book really goes through every beat and it also updates where I am now,
这本书真的记录了生活的每一个细节 我把我当时的状况都写了下来
and it fills you in on where I came from, what my mother was like, and all of that.
翻开这本书 记忆就会翻涌而来 我从哪里来 我的妈妈长什么样子 等等等等
Yeah, boy. And we learn a lot about your mother. She was quite something.
是的 我们也通过这本书了解了你的母亲 她挺厉害的
She was. Yeah. She was very wild and very uninhibited and she was pretty crazy.
她是挺厉害的 是的 她非常的放荡不羁 很疯狂
Yeah. And, well, you should read the book, obviously. There she is.
是的 你们绝对应该读读这本书 我妈妈就是这样子的
But it's heartbreaking and brilliant and funny and everything that you are.
但你们可能会觉得很痛心 觉得妈妈很厉害 又搞笑 像你一样
So I can't recommend it-
所以 我不能推荐这本书
I was handing it to Portia when I would go take a shower and she'd read it and
我去洗澡之前 把这本书给Portia看 然后她读了这本书
I'd- we were back and forth with it and- But, it's fantastic.
我们俩 为这本书争论了很久 但是 这本书还是很棒的
Well, thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. And now life is good.
谢谢你 恭喜 谢谢 现在的生活很好
You're married. You have twins on the way. So that's exciting. Yeah, it's so exciting.
你结婚了 将要有一对双胞胎宝宝 这很令人激动 是的 非常令人兴奋
Yeah. Yeah, we got married in Pass Christian, Mississippi.
恩 是啊 我们在帕斯克里斯琴结了婚 在密西西比州
Which is, you have family and friends there.
Yes, my aunt lived in Pass Christian. So we have all these connections together.
是的 我的阿姨就住在帕斯克里斯琴 所以我们之间还是有点关系的
So you got married in Mississippi. Yeah. And you have twins on the way.
所以你在密西西比结的婚?是的 你有一对即将出生的双胞胎宝宝
Yes, due any day now. Is it really any day? Yeah. That soon?
任何时候都可能出生 是真的任何一天吗?是的?这么快?
Do you have names for them yet? No, we're not naming them. No? Good idea.
你给他们取好名字了吗?没有 我们还没有取名字 还没有?好主意
Yeah. Let them name themselves. It's rude. Why are we named by our parents?
是的 让他们自己给自己取名字 这太随性了 为什么我们的名字是由父母决定的?
It is. Let them name themselves. Yeah, we're not gonna be rude parents.
事实上是这样的 让他们自己给自己取名字吧 是的 我们要做一对随性的父母
Stephanie and I have named each other cuz we couldn't figure out what we should be called.
斯蒂芬妮和我互相给对方取了名字 因为我们一直搞不明白应该如何称呼对方
And I suggested the funny one and the pretty one. I see.
所以我提议取了一个好玩的名字和一个好听的名字 了解
And I'm gonna be the pretty one. Cuz I love the idea of
我将会是那个好听的 因为我爱死这个主意了
the kids going up and being like, the funny one said we could go out and play.
比如说爱搞笑的那个孩子长大了 他说我们出去玩吧
Well, you tell the funny one that the pretty one said.
然后你告诉他 这是漂亮的那个说的
And actually, their names are, we do have names. What are they? It was Max and Finn.
其实 事实上 他们有名字的 我们取好了的 是什么?马克思和费因
You did name them? Yeah. Max and Finn. Yeah. Adorable. Thank you. That's adorable.
你取得吗?是的 马克思和费因 是的 真可爱 谢谢你 这名字很可爱
Cuz I had some suggestions. But now, nevermind. We don't have middle names.
本来我能给你们一些建议的 现在还是算了吧 我们还没有取中间名
No. Tig's book is called I'm Just a Person. It's in stores now.
还是算了 Tig的这本书名是 我只是个普通人 已经可以在书店买到啦
You should read it. It's fantastic. We'll be right back.
你们应该拿来读一读 这本书超赞 我们很快回来