So you've decided to take the IELTS exam, well-done! It's the test that's recognized and respected around the world.
Here we will look at the criteria of pronunciation.
This is one of four criteria on which you will be tested.Look for the other three criteria in other videos.
This criteria focuses on the accuracy and variety of pronunciation featured which include individual sounds,
misspelling of a word can sometimes confuse this, for example, "euphemism".
Word stress, stressing the wrong syllable in a word is a frequent error, for instance, it should be miSTAKE,deMOcracy.
Word stress can be confusing when it changes with different parts of the word family, for instance, PHOtograph, phoTOgraphy, photoGRAphic.
当出现有相同词根的单词时,单词中的重读容易出现混淆,例如PHOtograph, phoTOgraphy, photoGRAphic。
Sentence stress, for instance, the way that some words in a sentence are emphasized or slightly louder, for example, If I were YOU, I'd go by BUS.
第三点是句中的重读,这所指的是,句子中某些单词需要强调,或发音会比其他部分声量更大,例如If I were YOU, I'd go by BUS.
Intonation, the pitch of your voice changing as you talk.
Monotone intonation is typical of someone who has memorized long responses, this may result in lower test scores.
Chunking, talking in a rhythm which delivers chunks of words with short silences in between.
Good public speakers often use this skill.To improve your pronunciation, we recommend these steps.
The first step is to find out how English intonation, sentence stress and rhythm differ from your native language.
Insure you understand the effective sentence stressing and intonation on meaning.Then practice using these in different ways.
Referre to a dictionary to confirm the correct word stress if you are unsure.
Listening to a variety of authentic English sources will help you become familiar with a range of pronunciation features,
for instance, listen to the BBC radio or the Voice of America in whatever subjects interest to you.
比如 BBC 广播或者 VOA 中任何你所感兴趣的内容。
Even if you're not listening closely, having the radio or television on in the background can help tune you to the rhythm and intonation of another language.
Don't rush when you speak, that's a common mistake.You might skip sounds or words, it's better to speak clearly.
Recording yourself can be very useful.Try to apply what you've learned about the different features of pronunciation in English.
Chunking is a particular skill you can develop by recording yourself.
The face-to-face nature of IELTS speaking test encourages you to develop the skills you will need to interact successfully with English speakers.
For more information, please see the other speaking test videos: fluency incoherence, lexical resource, and grammatical ranging accuracy.