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Step by Step 3000 第4册 Unit1:Warming up(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • B. Keywords. childhood, father, mother. Vocabulary. house-proud, treat.
  • Four people are going to talk about their relationships with their parents.
  • Write down the phrases they use to describe the relationships.
  • 1. I don't remember very much about my childhood actually.
  • My wife's always asking me when you were a boy, did you use to...?and I reply, I don't know, I can't remember.
  • We didn't, we didn't use to talk very much, we weren't very close,or if we were, we didn't show it.
  • I remember I used to have my hair cut every Friday.
  • My father and I would go together. I had the shortest hair in the school.
  • When they finished cutting it, they'd burn the ends with a sort of candle.
  • Oh I'll never forget that smell.
  • 2. I got on vey well with my mother. I used to tell her everything,
  • or nearly everything, and she'd talk to me very openly too.
  • Sometimes she'd say to me "Don't go to school today, stay with me".
  • And we'd go out shopping or something like that.
  • 3. I'm not a very tidy person, but my mother is very house-proud.
  • So she's always telling to pick things up and put them away, and do this and do that.
  • She goes on for hours about "Cleanliness is next to godliness".
  • My father isn't like that at all.
  • He let's me do what I want.
  • I think he's learned not to pay attention.
  • 4. I have very fond memories of my childhood.
  • To me it represented security. We used to do a lot together as a family.
  • I remember walks, and picnics, and going for rides on a Sunday afternoon.
  • Every Friday, when my father came home from work, he had a treat for each of us.
  • My mother used to say he was spoiling us, but why not? It didn't do us any harm.


B. Keywords

childhood, father, mother.


house-proud, treat.

Four people are going to talk about their relationships with their parents. Write down the phrases they use to describe the relationships.
1. I don't remember very much about my childhood actually.
My wife's always asking me when you were a boy, did you use to...? and I reply, I don't know, I can't remember.
We didn't, we didn't use to talk very much, we weren't very close, or if we were, we didn't show it.
I remember I used to have my hair cut every Friday. My father and I would go together. I had the shortest hair in the school.

When they finished cutting it, they'd burn the ends with a sort of candle. Oh I'll never forget that smell.

2. I got on vey well with my mother. I used to tell her everything, or nearly everything, and she'd talk to me very openly too.

Sometimes she'd say to me "Don't go to school today, stay with me". And we'd go out shopping or something like that.

3. I'm not a very tidy person, but my mother is very house-proud.
So she's always telling to pick things up and put them away, and do this and do that.
She goes on for hours about "Cleanliness is next to godliness".

My father isn't like that at all. He let's me do what I want. I think he's learned not to pay attention.

4. I have very fond memories of my childhood. To me it represented security. We used to do a lot together as a family.
I remember walks, and picnics, and going for rides on a Sunday afternoon.
Every Friday, when my father came home from work, he had a treat for each of us.
My mother used to say he was spoiling us, but why not? It didn't do us any harm.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

candle ['kændl]


n. 蜡烛

tidy ['taidi]


adj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的
vt. 使

cleanliness ['klenlinis]


n. 清洁

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





