The strangest thing of all was, that not a soul in the house, except me, noticed her habits, or seemed to marvel at them.
No one discussed her position or employment.
No one pitied her solitude or isolation.
I once, indeed, overheard part of a dialogue between Leah and one of the charwomen, of which Grace formed the subject.
Leah had been saying something I had not caught, and the charwoman remarked: "She gets good wages, I guess?"
"Yes," said Leah, "I wish I had as good, not that mine are to complain of,
there's no stinginess at Thornfield, but they're not one fifth of the sum Mrs. Poole receives.
And she is laying by. She goes every quarter to the bank at Millcote.

I should not wonder but she has saved enough to keep her independent if she liked to leave.
But I suppose she's got used to the place;
And then she's not forty yet, and strong and able for anything.
It is too soon for her to give up business."
"She is a good hand, I dare say," said the charwoman.
"Ah! She understands what she has to do, nobody better," rejoined Leah significantly.
"呵,她明白自己该干什么,没有人比得过她" 莉娅意味深长地回答说。
"And it is not every one could fill her shoes — not for all the money she gets."
"That it is not!" was the reply. "I wonder whether the master..."
The charwoman was going on, but here Leah turned and perceived me, and she instantly gave her companion a nudge.
"Doesn't she know?" I heard the woman whisper.
Leah shook her head, and the conversation was of course dropped.
All I had gathered from it amounted to this, — that there was a mystery at Thornfield;
And that from participation in that mystery I was purposely excluded.