Modern bears are designed to hibernate.
In the Ice Age, there were no seasonal weather changes, so bears ate the same amount all year round, giving it an insatiable need to hunt.
He towers over the lion, this bear is nearly 11 and a half feet tall.
He's a massive, massive animal, and he's very intimidating.

The lion, normally, this would be enough for him to turn tail and run, but he can't.He cannot afford to leave this prey.
The end of the Ice Age set off a major movement of species.
Cold weather animals moved north, while smaller, swifter animals that were more difficult to hunt replaced them.
When the bear faced another predator, he spread his arms wide to look as intimidating as possible, but this exposed his only weakness - his unprotected stomach.
The lion was unable to take advantage of that soft underbelly, and all he can do is clamp those huge jaws on the back of the bear.
But the bear's body mass is so thick and that fat layer is so immense, it doesn't do a lot of damage.It hurts, but it certainly doesn't do a lot of damage to the bear.
The bear is able to shake the lion off and regain his footing.
He had a thick layer of fat to combat the cold that also made him harder to hold onto.
The lion takes the next step and makes a mock charge, hoping that the bear will stand again on his hind legs, 'cause the lion intent is to go in this time and try to grab the bear by the underbelly.
But the bear doesn't stand up.
The bear simply rears back and begins to shift his center of gravity to launch his own attack.
This time the bear comes full, and he doesn't stop.
When it mounted at a rush, the bear moves at top speed, but it remained fully balanced, using the claws on its feet to dig into the ground and provide traction.